Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Raw Food Plan - The Best Way To Lose Weight, Feel Energised And Look Younger

So you've tried just about every diet? Found they're just not practical or so very boring? Lost a bit of weight - but then put back on even more?
Convinced "Diets" don't work and - guess what? - You're right!. They don't.
They give you the idea that it's only "till you lose weight" so when you return to your old way of eating you regain all you lost.
It could be time to consider a new approach - a whole new way of eating and living? A Raw Food Plan

* Not a restricted way with less to eat.

* Not a boring repetitive menu each day.

* Not expensive and time consuming.

But actually easier to prepare, more delicious, no more expensive and just the way food was meant to be!

Did you know that the usual Western diet is "dead"?

* That cooked food is devoid of nutrients, enzymes and life energy?

* That many people are actually allergic to cooked food?

* When you cook food above 180f you destroy enzymes that are there to help us digest our food. This means your body has to work harder to extract nutrients. This makes us tired and our immune system compromised. Heat causes unfavourable changes in food and your body was not designed to metabolise these. By cooking food above this temperature a pathogenic response in the body called Leucytosis takes place whereby the white blood cells ( immune cells ) are actually used to digest foods much as they would attack foreign substances.

* Only Humans cook food - have you noticed!

By eating more raw food you leave these enzymes intact so you can digest food easily and well and extract, absorb and benefit from all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs.

A traditional diet contains much meat, dairy and wheat and is very acid forming. This is a dangerous state for your body. Some members of the medical profession are convinced that cancer thrives in an acid environment. A Raw Diet, rich in whole fruit and vegetables does exactly the opposite and creates an alkaline environment where nasties cannot survive.

Other benefits of following a Raw Food Plan rich in organic wholefoods, fresh fruit and veg, nuts, seeds and sprouted seeds and grains is that it means you will

* Quickly reach your optimum weight and shed fat faster.

* Gain lots of energy and need less sleep.

* Have more glowing and healthy skin tone.

* Have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

* No longer suffer constipation - with the high levels of fibre some eminent medics believe this can help prevent some forms of cancer.

* You won't be hungry as you can actually eat more! It just means you are eating foods that satisfy you more and pound for pound contain less calories.

It also happens to be a very ethical eating plan. Buying lots of local fruit and veg helps the local farmers and producers.

It will take a little time to get used to. No more ready meals straight from the freezer popped into the microwave! No more "fast food" of the burger & fries variety but plenty of the even faster food you don't even have to cook! What a variety too - foods you may never have considered trying before.

A Raw Food Plan that has been well thought out and researched can prevent you from making mistakes and guide you through potential pitfalls like eating out and dealing with well meaning friends who don't understand etc. It's good to be guided until the new way of eating ( Not diet! ) becomes a habit - your new "normal" way! This takes, usually, about twelve weeks. A good plan also needs lots of recipes for meals as well as delicious juices and smoothies else you can get in a bit of a salad rut and get bored!
Following such a plan could well leave you feeling more energised and lively than you have felt for years and rather slimmer too. Why delay any longer!