Tuesday, March 31, 2009

City Kitchen Chronicles: Beyond Thunderdome

City Kitchen Chronicles is a bi-weekly column about living frugally in Manhattan. It's penned by the lovely Jaime.

"With the economy in a dark, dark place, we thought it was pretty obvious where society is headed. So TBTL introduced The Thunderdome Beach Diet. Can you eat for $3 a day?”

That was the call to arms, or at least, the announcement, posted on the website of TBTL, one of my favorite podcasts. TBTL, or Too Beautiful To Live, is a radio show from Seattle. It’s funny, smart, random – sort of like a really fantastic blog, but in radio format – and in the last year I’ve come to have a lot of affection for it and its hosts.

And, for a little more background: Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome is the third movie in the Mad Max series (I had no idea there was more than one), about Mel Gibson … um, doing stuff … in post-apocalyptic … somewhere. Australia, maybe? I have never seen these movies.

Anyway, the point is, Thunderdome = a scarily near-future world where society’s fallen apart and things are a little more primal, a lot more dangerous, and, ha, isn’t that where things seem to be going with our economic crisis.

This sort of pop-culture-referencing, topical-yet-not-too-serious sensibility is part of what I love about TBTL. Their Preparing for Thunderdome series sounds like a fun way to acknowledge the economic crisis but have an excuse for adding some silly stuff to the show. (see: Week Two, Fighting in Thunderdome.)

But when I heard about the planned Thunderdome Beach Diet, I was … cautious. The plan: for four days, eat on $3/day. (This includes booze, a true test for my beloved TBTL hosts – they ended up just going sober.) It’s not the first eat-on-very-little project I’ve encountered – there’s the One Dollar Diet Project, 30 Bucks a Week, even Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski. But I was mostly concerned because of how many people (hi, this is me) eat on a limited budget daily. Not as a project. Not as a whoa, this is crazy, can’t wait till it’s over and we get to go back to normal sort of thing.

Because I’m one of those people, the people who think about how much we’re spending on food all the time. Sometimes I splurge, but my bank account feels it. It’s never carefree, never just oh, whatever I want. It’s: well, if I buy this, then I can’t see a movie this weekend, or I have some soup in my freezer, so I guess I can go out for a drink. I didn’t want this project, and the way TBTL handled it, to be about emphasizing the distance between their lives and mine, and I was sure I couldn’t be the only listener feeling that.

I was also hearing a lot of talk about ramen, and if I’ve learned one thing from reading, and then writing for, this website, it’s that you can eat really cheaply and still get vegetables and protein and whole foods and general healthiness. Unless you’re in college, talking about ramen means this isn’t a real way to eat.

And so last week, the hosts of TBTL went on The Thunderdome Beach Diet, living on $12 for four days. Three people are on the show – host Luke, producer Jen, and engineer Sean. And each took a different approach.

Sean bought milk and cereal, and ingredients for a giant egg, cheese, and rice casserole that he ate for the week. Luke bought eggs, tortillas, beans, jalapenos, a bag of salad greens, and some cheap chicken thighs that turned out to be mostly bone. And Jen… well, Jen had surprise dental surgery in the middle of the week, but I think her plan was a lot of rice, eggs, and canned green beans.

Hearing those menus, first of all, made me seriously appreciate how much I’ve learned in the year or two I’ve made eating cheaply a priority. (Well, I’ve made paying off my damn credit cards a priority, and in order to do so, I eat cheap. And in order to be healthy-ish, I don’t live on ramen.) Some TBTL listeners did the diet along with the hosts, and the hosts were shocked at what people were eating for $3 a day – tasty sandwiches and hot chocolate and homemade popcorn. But when you know how to cook from scratch, from ingredients, you save so much money. Every time they described a meal of canned beans or milk and cold cereal, I thought of what you can save cooking with dried beans, or how much more filling and healthy a bowl of oatmeal can be (and cheaper, too, I think), or how you can buy flour and make your own tortillas.

But this is knowledge that we’re not born with, that we don’t pick up in school or even necessarily from our parents. Thank goodness for the internet, and its gift of sixty-cents-a-serving lentil soup, and bless the $1.50 bag of frozen spinach.

That was my main takeaway – gratitude and appreciation for the knowledge I’ve gained, the skills and awareness that’ve changed how I look at food – at what I eat, what I buy, the way I spend my time (cooking). But what did the TBTLers learn?

Wrap-up included a lot of “It’s amazing (and shocking) that people live like this all the time.” Luke said something at one point about how it made him realize that having money means not needing to be careful – if the chicken’s gross, he can go out to eat; if the eggs break, he can go buy more. But not in Thunderdome! As much as I can think he’s naïve or sheltered to have never realized that before (and he happens to have grown up without a lot of money), maybe I’m naïve to assume that everyone should have that sort of awareness, or that everyone should already know how to eat cheaply without resorting to ramen or fatiguing repetition.

Sean was pretty happy with his week of casserole, although he readily admitted he couldn’t eat like that forever, but Jen felt a strong emotional drag from her diet. Not to have choice, not to have indulgence, not to get the pleasure she was used to from her favorite wine or tasty cheese and crackers – it really brought her down. I wanted to be able to reach through the radio and say, “It doesn’t have to be that way! There is variety! There are vegetables!” But also: “Dude, I totally understand.”

But, of course, after Friday, the TBTLers went back to their previous ways – their bigger budgets and different concerns. And those of us living on a little less are still eating with what money we have. But The Thunderdome Beach Diet made me realize that what I know, what I know how to do, is, in a weird way, sort of special. Like I have this secret knowledge, the key to unlocking the grocery store or whatever, a magic spell that turns a beans-and-eggs budget into kale and delicious soup and chocolate. (I totally budget for good chocolate.) And as much as it’s most of the time a huge pain in the butt, it’s good to remember that it’s kind of awesome, too.

(Photos courtesy of Spartan Tailgate and Ning.)

Tuesday Megalinks

This week, it’s bargain shopping, making the most out of what you have, and a little dash of sports news, just in time for baseball’s Opening Day. Viva la Mets! (Pleaseohpleaseohplease.)

Culinate: For the Love of Meat, What Would You Pay?
Jake pays about $8/lb for meat he receives as part of a CSA, and for him, it’s worth every penny. Here, he explains why well enough to make him a finalist in Culinate’s blogging contest. (P.S. This made me crave sausage.)

Eat Me Daily: Cooking in Outer Space
You think cooking in your tiny kitchen is tough? Try it on a spaceship. Astronaut Sandra Magnus spent four months on the International Space Station, where fresh food was limited and tortillas became her best friends. For extra fun, click on her NASA slideshow, where you’ll learn more than you thought possible about rehydrated tomatoes. Really neat stuff.

Eater: First Looks at Citi Field's Shake Shack
METS FANS, REJOICE! This might even make up for the inevitable collapse in the last week of September.

Hillbilly Housewife: $45 Emergency Menu for 4 to 6
HH updated her from-scratch, nothing-in-the-pantry menu to reflect 2009 grocery prices. If you or someone you know is in dire straits (or you’re just looking to cut waaaaay back on your food expenditures), this is a fabulous place to start. One of the most valuable sites on the web, especially right now. (Thanks to Simple Dollar for the link.)

Kitchen Stewardship: A Reduced Produce Primer
You know that bargain produce shelf? The one that’s waaaay in the back of the grocery store? The one behind the POM display, next to the apple chips? Sometimes, it offers bounty beyond your wildest dreams. Other times, it’s yellow broccoli and apples that should’ve been thrown out during the Hoover administration. This post tells you how to tell the difference.

Like Merchant Ships: Bargain Secret – Bakery Thrift Stores
Oh! And while we’re on the subject, check out this post about how to choose the best bread from your local discount bakers. Mmm … Pepperidge FAHHHM.

Money Saving Mom: Eating From the Pantry Challenge - The Finale
Crystal, mom of two, just fed her family for an entire week on nothin’ but pantry staples. Somehow, the meals stayed pretty well-balanced and tasty-looking. Behold!

MSNBC: Thrifty shoppers ‘Sold!’ on grocery auctions
Man, lots of stuff on discount shopping this week, right? Anyway – and I’ve never heard of this before, but it sounds fun – eight different states have been holding auctions for meats, produce, personal supplies, and more. Attendance is apparently insane, and folks are walking away with 50% savings off their grocery bill. Readers, has anyone tried this? Do tell.

New York Times: Comrades at Arms - Two Food Writers in a Kitchen Smackdown
Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni pitted two friends in a cook-off, where a three-course gourmet meal for six had to be kept under $50, total. Now, you can see this in one of two ways:
  1. Totally tone deaf. Once again, the Gray Lady has no conception of real-world budgetary constraints, OR
  2. A great piece that perfectly pitched with the financial times. After all, as Bruni himself notes, “It's not easy to dazzle at $8.50 a person [for] at least three courses.”
I’m going with Choice B, with some reservations. Just for contrast, here’s Jezebel’s response (Due warning: profanity is employed early and often.)

Serious Eats: Is Artisanal, Handmade Food Always Better?
SE guru Ed Levine bought four items at the farmer’s market. Two (apple candy and popcorn) were excellent. Two (sausage and peach preserves) were awful. The contrast raises the question: “Are serious eaters down with eating bad food if it's made by hand by someone with the best intentions?” Great essay, dozens of thoughtful comments.

Slate: The Locavore's Dilemma - What to do with the kale, turnips, and parsley that overwhelm your CSA bin.
Funny, observant, and informative, this piece by Catherine Price should resonate with anyone who’s been overwhelmed by their CSA bounty. She notes, “After three years of practice, I've figured out simple ways to deal with most of these problem vegetables: I braise the turnips in butter and white wine; I sauté the kale and collards with olive oil and sea salt; I wait until the parsley shrivels and then throw it out.” With a special guest appearance by minimalist extraordinaire Mark Bittman.

Sports Illustrated: How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke
This has absolutely nothing to do with food, and everything to do with how crazy I thought this fact was: “By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.” If centerfielder Torii Hunter’s story about investing $70,000 in a raft for couches (in case of a flood, naturally) doesn’t hook you, nothing will.

Yahoo Green: Learn to Cut Your Food Bill by 25%
According to … uh, somebody … we waste about 25% of the food we buy. That means that a full quarter of our groceries rot, mold, spoil, or get thrown out as unwanted leftovers. STOP THE MADNESS.

Yahoo Hotjobs: Food for Thought on Lunch Interviews - 10 Do's and Don'ts for Making the Best Impression Over a Meal
Ooo! Great piece about taking the relaxed approach to job interviews. Among the nuggets: DO research the restaurant, DON’T be rude to your waitress, and for the love of Pete, TRY TO relax a little

Finally, CHG was lucky enough to be featured in the Make it From Scratch blog carnival this week, over at Christ’s Bridge.

(Photos courtesy of I Want One of Those, Qanik, and Super Eco.)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Napa Cabbage & Red Onion Salad and Paul Rudd: Together at Last

Mostly in life, it’s the little things that make the big things work. Clocks are powered by tiny, irrepressible gears. People are powered by small, delicate organs. Good movies are powered by Paul Rudd.

Recently, The Boyfriend and I realized that every solidly funny film we’ve seen since 2004 has starred Rudd in some capacity (Pixar films excepted). Adorable and dorky (adorkable?), he’s made Anchorman, Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Role Models, and now I Love You Man much better for his presence. Maybe it’s the timing, or the fact that in less comic circumstances, he’s a stone hottie. Either way, the guy is MAGIC. He even made the last season of Friends almost tolerable, long after Phoebe and Ross drove most fans to tear their own spleens out.

Still, Rudd isn’t a superstar. He’s simply a smaller player in big films that wouldn’t work without him, kind of like today’s recipe. (How’s that for a segue?)

Let me explain: on its own, Napa Cabbage and Red Onion Salad is pretty good. A slaw-type dish, the combination of cilantro, ginger, and toasted sesame oil push it above most of its brethren. Still, I’m not sure I’d eat a big bowl of it for a snack. First, there’s the onion breath issue. Second, it just feels like it needs something else.

See, on top of chicken breast, Napa Cabbage and Red Onion Salad could be divine. Mixed with cold noodles, I could see it turned into a great light dinner. Paired with a burger? Perfection. All of these possibilities could morph this solid, capable dish into something much bigger than itself, while elevating the dish as a whole.

Essentially (and here’s where we tie this all together), it’s like taking Paul Rudd and sticking him in a pretty good comedy. All of a sudden, both become awesome. (BAM!)

Of course, should you try to make this yourself, there are two things to know:

1) To reiterate: this dish is VERY oniony. You won’t be making out with anyone for quite awhile afterwards (unless he/she REALLY loves you). If you’re averse, I might up the cabbage to three cups to counteract the onionosity.

2) I reduced the salt by half a teaspoon. If you like salt, add more.

In conclusion, go see I Love You Man. And bring some of this salad. Together, they could make each other even better.

Napa and Red Onion Salad
Serves 4
Adapted from Beyond the Great Wall by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid.

1 small or 1/2 medium large red onion (1/4 pound), sliced into 1/8-inch crescents
2 teaspoons salt, or to taste
2 cups shredded Napa cabbage
4 cups boiling water
2 teaspoons roasted sesame oil, or to taste
1 tablespoon minced ginger
1 tablespoon rice vinegar, or to taste
About 1/2 cup coriander (cilantro) leaves

1) Put onion into a wire sieve. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Toss. Let drain 10 minutes.

2) To a large bowl, add cabbage. Pour boiling water over cabbage. Walk away for 2 minutes. Drain. Put cabbage back in bowl.

3) Rinse onion with cold water. Squeeze to get extra water out. Add to cabbage bowl.

4) In a small skillet, heat sesame oil over medium heat. Add ginger. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add vinegar. When it starts bubbling, pour contents of pan over cabbage mixture. Toss well. Add remaining ½ teaspoon salt. Toss again. Serve right away OR let it hang out for about an hour. (I left this overnight, and liked it much better after sitting.)

5) Season with a little more sesame oil and salt before serving. Add cilantro. Toss. Serve

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
46 calories, 2.3 g fat, $0.58

1 small or 1/2 medium large red onion (1/4 pound): 49 calories, 0 g fat, $0.18
1-1/2 teaspoons salt, or to taste: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
2 cups shredded Napa cabbage: 40 calories, 0 g fat, $0.65
2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil, or to taste: 87 calories, 9.3 g fat, $0.40
1 tablespoon minced ginger: 5 calories, 0 g fat, $0.16
1 tablespoon rice vinegar, or to taste: 1 calorie, 0 g fat, 0.24
About 1/2 cup coriander leaves: 2 calories, 0 g fat, $0.66
TOTAL: 184 calories, 9.3 g fat, $2.31
PER SERVING (TOTAL/4): 46 calories, 2.3 g fat, $0.58

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Green Tea and Your Health

We all hear so much about green tea and the possible benefits to our health. But what exactly is green tea? What is green tea made of? What kind of benefits green tea has to your health?

Here is a nice article that will provide you some green tea information.

A Guide To Green Tea And Health Benefits
It seems like every time you turn your head there is an ad for either green tea or something promoting it contains green tea. After some time, you start to wonder what they are talking about
on all those advertisements.

That is what made me curious about the green tea and health benefits that I was hearing and reading about in those advertisements. I was looking for an answer on whether or not it was worth all the attention it was receiving these days.

I found out that green tea is really an amazing beverage, food, tea, or whatever you want to classify it. This is something that has literally been around for thousands of years in Asia. It’s reputation has even made it a part of traditional medicine.

I am sure you have heard that green teas are not processed like black and oolong versions. It contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG or epigallocatechin.

I don’t want to bore you with the scientific breakdown of how it works. That is something that I found from an internet search in about ten minutes.

If you are looking for reasons to add green tea to your diet, then look no further. Numerous studies have added to the list of health benefits and it is rather impressive.

Green tea is used as a diuretic(promote the excretion of urine), astringent(help heal wounds), stimulant, a way to improve heart health, regulate blood sugar and body temperature, promote digestion, and improve mental processes. This is just from traditional Chinese and Indian medicine.

From the extensive studies done, this tea helps with high cholesterol by lowering overall cholesterol and raising the good cholesterol (HDL) and helps prevent coronary heart disease. There is also the list of cancers: Bladder, Breast, Ovarian, Colorectal, Esophageal, Liver, Lung, Pancreatic, Prostate, Skin and Stomach to date.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), weight loss, tooth decay, arthritis, colds and influenza. Did I mention this was a tea that has been around for thousands of years?

I must say that I was surprised at how many things are on that list. I originally guessed that the list was going to be small and trivial.

I was also happy to find out that I can get the health benefits from an extract version of the green tea. It has no caffeine and is either a stand alone pill or added to another pill like a multivitamin. I went out and found a well established company and started taking green tea supplements.

Now get out there and start adding green tea to your diet by clicking on my websites. Since I learned what green tea is, I now have peace of mind knowing that I am doing a good thing for me and my family.

Author: Carolyn Peterson
About the author: Carolyn is a passionate researcher and long time user of skin and health care products to achieve more youthful looking skin. Visit her website today to learn more about the products she and her family uses every day.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Grasslands Herb Salsa: Sweet Mongolia

In the past 20 months, we’ve featured recipes from India, Israel, Italy, and … well, many other countries beginning with the letter “I.” But it’s pretty rare we get to highlight food from outer Mongolia. Or rather: from a town located between Mongolia and Siberia called Manzhouli. (Thanks, Serious Eats!)

In olden days, we used “outer Mongolia” as a synonym for “very far away.” (Also see: Guam, Mars, East Bumble****.) Up until several hours ago, the only things I knew about the place is that it borders China, and my friend J was considering working on a Habitat for Humanity project there. (Which I’m fairly sure solicited a shocked “MONGOLIA?” from each and every person she told.)

But now, I’m a virtual expert. (Meaning: I looked at Wikipedia, which is a virtual reference guide in the computer sense.) For instance, did you know Mongolia has a Pegasus on its coat of arms? Or that it’s a parliamentary republic? Or that its national anthem is titled "Монгол улсын төрийн дуулал"? (Literally: “Welcome to Mongolia. Instead of Mints, You Will Find Mutton Jerky Under Your Hotel Pillow.”) Well, now you do.

Apparently, beyond noodles and awesome barbecue (which may or may not be an actual regional invention), Mongolians are also fond of roasted meats – especially goats and sheep. Turns out, they need the animal fat to survive the winters, which, being a total cold weather wussy, would cause me to perish in under 20 seconds.

This recipe, Grasslands Herb Salsa, is a topping for those roasted meats. It’s from a gorgeous cookbook called Beyond the Great Wall: Recipes and Travels in the Other China, which was nominated for a James Beard Award earlier this week.

Essentially, it's a simple cilantro-based salsa that’s entirely unimpressive on its own, but morphs into something highly delicious when applied to pan-cooked chicken breast. In fact, The Boyfriend and I have eaten chicken two of the last four nights, just for an excuse to use the salsa. There are about two tablespoons left, so he should expect chicken on Saturday night, too. Poor guy.

Should you decide to make it yourself … actually, there’s not much to know. It’s only 12 calories a serving, and it’s simple enough that a kindergartener could make it. Granted, it would have to be a kindergartener who’s accustomed to food processing, but you get the picture.

Anyway, happy weekend, sweet readers. Hope your days off are as cool as Mongolia. Cooler, even.

Grasslands Herb Salsa
Makes about 3/4 cup, or enough for six chicken filets
Adapted from Beyond the Great Wall: Recipes and Travels in the Other China

2 cups packed cilantro (a.k.a. coriander) leaves and stems
1/2 cup coarsely chopped scallions (white and tender green parts)
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste

1) In a food processor, puree herbs and scallions until they're a "coarse paste." Add vinegar and salt. Pulse. Salt and pepper to taste. (I needed a little more salt.)

2) Pour into a small bowl. Allow guests/family to spoon their own salsa on to their meat.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
12 calories, 0 g fat, $0.37

2 cups packed cilantro (leaves and stems): 7 calories, 0.2 g fat, $1.50
1/2 cup coarsely chopped scallions (white and tender green parts): 16 calories, 0.1 g fat, $0.22
2 tablespoons rice vinegar: 50 calories, 0 g fat, $0.48
1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
TOTAL: 73 calories, 0.3 g fat, $2.21
PER SERVING (TOTAL/6): 12 calories, 0 g fat, $0.37

Thursday, March 26, 2009

CHG Favorites of the Week

Food Blog of the Week
Raw Food, Real People
You know, I initially visited this site to see if Nathan and Kelly could make it the entire month eating only raw foods. But now I’m obsessed with their Halloween costumes. Either way, good times.

Food Comedy of the Week
"Rowlf and the Swedish Chef" from SNL
I’d never seen this sketch before last week. On a scale of 1 to 10, its adorableness rates a Pierdy-pierdy-pier mork mork mork! (Meaning: 12)

via videosift.com

Food Quote of the Week
"An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup." - H.L. Mencken

Food Movie Clip of the Week
No Man Can Eat 50 Eggs scene from Cool Hand Luke
Man, Paul Newman was a babe.

Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
“New York is a City of Tough-Ass Grannies” from New York Magazine
From 86-year-old Elizabeth Maropolous to 56-year-old wheelchair-bound Margaret Johnson, these are six of the roughest, toughest, mugger-fighting-offingest old birds in the tri-state area. Dangerous? Maybe. Awesome? Most definitely.

The Benefits and Challenges of a Raw Food Lifestyle

This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at http://www.RenegadeRoundtable.com. In this excerpt, Dhrumil Purohit shares on his journey to a raw food lifestyle, including the benefits and the challenges.

Renegade Water Secrets with Dhrumil Purohit, the lead contributory, visionary and creator of welikeitraw.com and giveittomeraw.com.

Kevin: Well, let’s get right into it. For those people who have never heard of you, they soon will, and why don’t you just tell us a little bit about how you started into
this and how you got to where you are now.

Dhru: Sure. First of all, again, thank you for having me here. And everybody who’s listening in, it’s an honor to be here. The thing that I enjoy the most is connecting with other individuals, and that drives everything that I do. So to connect and build communities, that’s been such an important part of my journey and that’s actually how I got started.

My dietary journey started where at a conference I heard Ingrid Newkirk. She’s the president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. She was talking about milk, blah, blah, blah this, and dairy cows blah, blah, blah, that and at that time my level of consciousness wasn’t hip to maybe the plight of certain animals. But she mentioned something that really hit me, she said, “Blah, blah, blah, if you get rid of milk then you might see your acne go away.” I was in high school at the time, I’m trying to talk to girls, I’m trying to be a more social individual, but even though I had been raised vegetarian, coming from an Indian background, I always dealt with acne. So when she said that I said, “Ok, you know what, she say’s that in about a month’s time you can start to see a major difference, so let me get rid of the dairy in my diet.” So when I got rid of the diary in my diet, naturally people ask you, “What the heck are you doing?” So you have to read up on it and you have to get educated a little bit and that’s when I finally started to understand and make the connection, that even though I was brought up vegetarian I had never really understood fully the connection between food and health.

Then once that started, for a year and a half, as many people there have kind of gotten their start, I was a processed vegan. I was eating soy burgers and tofutti and carbitarian totally all the way. The finally one day at a health food store, in the aisle, I’m shopping for my produce and I see this guy who I’ve seen like a hundred times before shopping at the same organic co-op. And I always noticed that the whites of his eyes are really white, he was a very fit gentleman, he looked fairly young as well.

So I went up to him and I finally said, “Hey bro, what is it that you actually do? What is it that you eat?” And he was like, “Oh, man I’m into raw food.” And I was like, “Raw food, what is that?” And over the next 40 minutes, this gentleman, who’s name is actually Nature Love, kind of over the next 45 minutes gave me a full breakdown of the relationship between food and why raw food matters and how it can improve the health. And from that day, which was the year 2001, that’s when my journey really began. It was on that day.

Kevin: Wow, that’s pretty nice. Let’s just get right into it here. What are some of the biggest challenges that you encountered from that day till now that really stand out in you head, that say, “This is what happened, here’s how I dealt with it and here’s how I’m better because of it?”

Dhru: Sure, absolutely. Well one of the things that I talk about a lot is the physiological challenges and I noticed that... I’ll give you a specific example, when I first started my journey after meeting Nature, the next day Nature, after I met up with him in the aisle, he came over to my place to show me and my roommate a little bit about raw foods. And when Nature told me that he was 40, and this guy literally, like... there’s photos of him on our website, welikeitraw.com, you can see how fit he is, how young he looks. When he told me he was 40-years-old I totally flipped. I was like, “OK, I’m doing this today.”

So that was the first biggest challenge that I faced, I went 100 percent overnight embarking on raw foods. And what kept me going solid 100 percent for the first 8 months was discipline and excitement. Sheer excitement because I was looking forward to the future. I kept on thinking that in the future this will all be worth it and I’ll be at some place where my health and everything else will click and it won’t be as tough as it is now. And then discipline, which is simply one desire that’s trumping another desire. I had this desire to look fit, to be energetic, to be healthy, and then I also had this desire to eat a donut or eat this, or eat that.

But my desire for being fit and healthy was strongest. But the challenge with discipline is, after a certain time, because discipline comes from a place of desire, discipline will always fail you. At some point in time discipline will always fail you because resisting your desires is... well it’s resisting your desires. It’s still a desire that’s inside of you. So for eight months solid I was going through the physiological challenges of wanting to stick to this thing, I felt good, but I had all these desires inside to try different foods, to eat different things.

And it was right around that point, that after I, at the time I considered it “‘failing.” I failed on my raw food diet by yo-yoing back and forth; I realized that there was a better way, a smarter way, a more intelligent way to approach diet. And, yes there were some very practical things that I did to improve my relationship with food. Having more green smoothies, having some transitional foods, things like that.

But overall I saw that the biggest shift, the thing that benefited me the most, and now I’m seeing that it’s benefiting so many other people as well too, is that to actually ask yourself, “Why am I doing this in the first place? Am I waiting for the future to be better than the present moment? Am I doing this because someday I think things will be better?” It’s all right to have goals, it’s all right to have health goals, it’s all right to build a foundation, but the biggest challenge that I see is that a lot of people have, regardless of whatever dietary regimen they’re trying to follow, if they’re trying to just eat healthier, or exercise more, they are their biggest enemy because of these physiological battles they play with themselves back and forth.

It’s easy to open up a book and know what to do. There are so many nutrition books and websites that are out there that give you great information now, especially with things like Goggle. And you can see what you can do.

The same thing goes with exercise. But when you look at it, it’s not that people have a problem with information they have this physiological battle with identifying themselves with certain goals and living in the future instead of bringing their attention back into the present moment.

Kevin: So you said in that first eight months you were living in the future, correct?

Dhru: Yeah, I was living in the future. I was just constantly thinking that things will be better, it’ll be easier. I’m eating towards some future goal; I’m eating towards some future goal of being fit in my ideal version of what I had as fitness in my head. And then also along with that I was identifying with something, my ego was identifying with the concept of being 100 percent raw.

Which, I’m sure Kevin, you’ve seen with the excellent work that you do, a lot of people probably write in to you that say they need to be 100 percent raw but they can’t. And that’s just some arbitrary goal. That doesn’t mean that I was actually any healthier, I was just fixated on this concept of being 100 percent raw.

So instead of being 100 percent healthy and just enjoying and having a beautiful relationship with food, I was focused on this arbitrary idea of being 100 percent raw because I thought that it would bring me something that wasn’t something that I had with me right then and there at that moment. I was looking to diet as a way to fulfill me, which is an exact example of people that have really bad challenges with food. They’re looking to food for fulfillment. People that go through, I don’t want to speak personally, because I haven’t gone through this, but from what I’ve read, individuals that suffer through bulimia and other eating disorders, often what they’re looking for in certain ways is that they treat food as a vehicle to fulfillment, to fulfill them even if they don’t want to eat it. They’re rejecting food as a way to fulfillment with something to fulfill themselves with something that isn’t with them right then and there.

I know it starts to become really abstract, but the easiest way to say it is that just take a look at anything that you’re doing in your life right now. And if you’re running off of shear discipline, if you’re running off the hope that someday in the future that you’ll make it, the chances are that you’re going to face so many more struggles along your journey.

As opposed to the flip side is, everybody wants a challenge, everybody is down for a good challenge and the difference between a challenge and a struggle is the added dimension of resistance. When you go through a struggle, when you’re yo-yoing in your diet, when you can’t stick to your exercise plan, when you’re having a hard time doing something that you want to do, that’s a struggle.

And what accompanies a struggle is resistance. You’re resisting something; you’re resisting something that you’re not ready to be at a level that you want to be at. Maybe you need to go slower. Whatever it is that you’re resisting, because you’re resisting it you’re using discipline as a way to kind of mask that, to kind of keep your eyes not focused on the total picture. And then you end up sending yourself back further because you haven’t actually taken baby steps to build a proper foundation in whatever journey you’re trying to make progress in.

Veggie Might: Who Wants a Vegan Bran Muffin?!

Penned by the effervescent Leigh, Veggie Might is a weekly Thursday column about the wide world of Vegetarianism.

I do! Seriously. I do.

My mom was that mom: first on the block to substitute carob for chocolate, rarely bought sweet cereal or pop, and always, always packet carrot sticks and an apple in my Tupperware lunch box instead of cookies or cupcakes. (I only got Ho-Hos on field trip days.)

We were not wholly deprived of junk food or butter- and cheese-laden comfort food, but a frugal, borderline health nut, Mom liked to make her mom’s meat-and-potatoes Midwestern recipes (and my Dad’s Southern fried family classics) healthier whenever possible and cheap pretty much always.

The New York Times’ ran a terrific article in the Health section last week called, “Who’s Cooking? (For Health, It Matters).It sites a public health study that claimed whoever does the cooking is the “nutritional gatekeeper” of the home and determines the health and eating choices of the family “not just home meals but children’s lunches, snacks eaten outside the home, and even what family members order at restaurants.”

A further study at Cornell University found that five “cooking personalities” emerged when the researchers asked “family cooks about their personalities, cooking methods, and favorite ingredients.”

“Giving” cooks love to cook, especially comfort food and baked goods; “methodical” cooks follow cookbooks to the letter; “competitive” cooks live to impress; “healthy” cooks focus more on nutrition than flavor; and “innovative” cooks thrive on experimentation which, according to the study, “lead[s] to more healthful cooking.”

I’m pretty sure that Mom rides the line between Giving and Healthy. For all of her attempts to pump my brother and sister and me full of celery and homemade granola, she alternately took pity on us with fried chicken and super-duper hamburger pie. Dad swooped in on the weekends for Pancake Saturday and Grilled Cheese Sunday.

Which explains my own split personality. I scored Innovative with Healthy tendencies. (You too can take the corresponding cooking personality quiz!)

Seven times out of ten, I will make the healthy choice when choosing what to eat—at home or out—but I rarely will I sacrifice taste for nutrition. Luckily, I live in NYC, mostly cook for myself, and am rarely faced with that choice. (Those other three times, I order nachos from the Chinese taco joint down the street.)

I share Mom’s zeal for cooking healthy meals and desserts, but I take great pains to make the “good for you” parts barely detectable. I like to experiment with unusual ingredients and create my own recipes. And there is no end to my pleasure when a hard-core meat eater raves about one of my vegetarian dishes, or, even better, people are fooled by my vegan baked goods. I love showing that animal products are not necessary for food to taste fantastic.

And speaking of fantastic, it took some trial and error, but, using Joy of Vegan Baking as my guide, I made some pretty amazing bran muffins this weekend. They’re a hold over from my deep-fried granola childhood, and I love them still. When not dry as cardboard, raisin-free, or banana-free, I heart bran muffins.

My first attempt was cardboardesque. Instead of using a powdered egg replacer, I tried the unfamiliar-to-me flaxseed egg replacement method detailed by the cookbook. The idea is to add water to ground flax seeds in the food processor to create viscose goo similar to egg whites.

Well. What an omega-3-rich mess. First of all, I only had whole flax seeds. No problem, I thought, I’ll just take them for a twirl in the coffee grinder. Not so fast there, Speedy. They immediately clumped, slowing my grinder to a wheeze.

In the mini-food processor, the clump remained mostly whole seeds, but I added the requisite water anyway. The goo began to ooze after a few minutes, but the seeds never became “ground.” Oh well, I thought, I’m sure it’s fine.

Not fine. The batter was coarse and clumpy, resulting in coarse, clumpy-looking muffins. Plus, the 3/4-cup of sugar was just not quite enough to take the bran muffins from health food to good food.

The original recipe also called for (sigh) raisins, which I replaced with glorious sliced almonds. I have nothing bad to say about the almonds. They were the good part.

Rinse. Repeat with powdered egg replacer and 1 cup of sugar. Viva la difference!

Moist, chewy, just the right amount of sweet, and not too dense, Batch Two was straight from Crunchy Granola Heaven. If the other corduroy bell-bottomed kids could taste these, they’d want to trade for their Zingers and Sno-balls.

Sorry, no thanks, I’d say. Tell your mom to make you your own bran muffins.

Tasty Almond Bran Muffins
Adapted from The Joy of Vegan Baking
Recipe yields 24 muffins
Serving size: 2 muffins

2 1/2 c wheat bran
1 1/2 c whole wheat flour
1 c brown sugar
2 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
6 tsp powdered egg replacer (like Ener-G; equivalent to 4 eggs)
1/2 c water
1 cup soymilk
1/3 cup canola oil
1/2 cup sliced almonds

1) Preheat oven to 400°F.

2) In a large mixing bowl, combine wheat bran, wheat flour, brown sugar, baking soda, and salt.

3) In a large Pyrex measuring cup, combine soymilk and canola oil. Whisk together.

4) Add egg replacer to a food processor or blender. Puree until it's frothy. Pour into a small bowl.

5) Carefully pour soymilk mixture into egg foam. Stirring super-gently until it's all combined. Add almonds.

6) Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Stir until dry ingredients are just moist, and everything is barely combined. Don't overdo it, or risk a weird muffin consistency.

7) Distribute batter evenly into a greased muffin tin or muffin cups within a muffin tin. "If you have any empty cups in your pan, fill with water to ensure even baking." Bake until finished in the middle. (Use a toothpick to check.)

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price per Serving
234 calories, 9.4g fat $0.30

2 1/2 c wheat bran: 300 calories, 5g fat, $.78
1 1/2 c whole wheat flour: 600 calories, 6g fat, $.54
1 c brown sugar: 837 calories, 0g fat, $.57
2 1/2 tsp baking soda: negligible calories and fat, $.06
1 tsp salt: negligible calories and fat, $.02
6 tsp Ener-G egg replacer: 60 calories, 0g fat, $.15
1 cup soymilk: 90 calories, 4.5g fat, $.40
1/3 c canola oil: 660 calories, 74.6 g fat, $.42
1/2 cup sliced almonds: 264.5, 22.5g fat, $.86
Totals: 2811.5 calories, 112.6g fat, $3.70
Per serving: 234 calories, 9.4g fat $.30 (2 muffins)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Information Central: 32 Free Food Charts, Checklists, and Wallet-Sized Guides

Have you ever puzzled over how many tablespoons are in a third of a cup? Have you ever been stuck in a grocery store, wondering if tomatoes were in season? Have you ever wanted to find some way – ANY way – of telling a chef that yes, you REALLY ARE allergic to dairy products, and yes, that means you can’t have butter? (Butter being a dairy product and all.)

If only … IF ONLY there were small, portable documents that included this kind of data; files you could stick in your wallet, slap on your refrigerator, or even staple to your forehead if need be.

Well, look no further sweet readers, as today’s post is all about instant information in conveniently-sized packages. From sustainable sushi to weekly menu plans to pesticide-free veggies, what follows are 32 downloadable charts, guides, and checklists guaranteed to prevent you from agonizing over food ever again. (No, we’re not exaggerating. Why do you ask?) They’re all completely free, and with one or two exceptions, they’re all wallet-sized cards or single-page documents. Some may require Adobe Acrobat, but many don’t.

Two quick points before getting to the alphabetically-sorted list:
  • Each entry deals primarily with some aspect of food (cooking, shopping, health, diet, etc.). For downloadable budgets and finance sheets, please head over to Get Rich Slowly.
  • Better Homes and Gardens apparently has quite a database of downloadable charts, but you have to join the site to gain access. Log on if you're among the willing.
Of course, if I missed something, please let me know. The comment section is eagerly awaiting ideas.


Celiac’s Disease Cards (wallet-sized card)
From Celiac Travel

Dairy Allergy Card (wallet sized card)
From About.com
Note: it's a list of foods to avoid that contain milk

Personal Diabetes Care Card (wallet-sized card)
From the NYC Department of Health

Translatable Allergy Cards (wallet-sized card)
From Allergy Translation
Note: these are largely for restaurant use, but could come in very handy in other situations.

Wallet-Sized Medical History (wallet-sized card)
From MedIDs.com


Food Safety Guides (multiple charts)
From the USDA
Note: there are several charts here – basically, everything you ever wanted to know about handling food, but was afraid to ask. (A primer on Turducken safety, anyone?)

Food Storage Guide (two-page chart)
From the University of Nebraska
Note: scroll down to "Refrigeration and Food Safety" and click on PDF.

Kitchen Equivalent Measurements (single-page chart)
From TipNut.com

Recipe Ingredient Substitution Chart (two-page chart)
From TipNut.com


Daily Average Nutritional Intake (wallet-sized card)
From Nestle
Note: "Daily Intakes are based on an average diet and can help you understand what’s in your food and how it fits within your balanced diet."

Food and Fitness Journal (single-page chart)
From Web MD
Note: scroll to bottom for chart

Wallet-Sized Portion Size Guide (wallet-sized card)
From Web MD


Tip Calculator (wallet-sized card)
From iTipping.com
Note: link is at the bottom


Healthy Fish Guide (wallet-sized card)
From the Washington State Department of Health

A Guide To Buying Fish for Women, Children and Families (wallet-sized card)
From the City of Toronto

Pocket Sushi Selector (wallet-sized card)
From the Environmental Defense Fund

Sustainable Fish Guide (pocket brochure)
From the Monterey Bay Aquarium


Chart of Beef Cuts (numerous single-page charts)
The Virtual Weber Bullet

Chart of Pork Cuts (numerous single-page charts)
The Virtual Weber Bullet
Note: scroll down for pork. And goat and lamb too, if you're interested.

Glossary of Meat Production Methods (wallet-sized card)
From Sustainable Table
Note: this is FANTASTIC. Please check it out even if you don’t plan on downloading.


Organic Essentials (wallet-sized card)
The Organic Center
Note: Midway down on the left-hand bar is a link called “Organic Essentials.” Click on it, wait for the pdf to load, and choose “back copy.”

Seasonal Fruit Chart (1-1/2-page chart)
From the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture

Seasonal Vegetable Chart (1-1/2-page chart)
From the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture

Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides (wallet-sized card)
From the Environmental Working Group


$45 Emergency Menu for 4 to 6 (two-page chart)
From Hillbilly Housewife
Note: includes a detailed menu, price breakdown, and shopping list.

Grocery Price Book (single-page spreadsheet)
From No Credit Needed

Healthy Shopping Guide and List (single-page checklist)
From Web MD
Note: scroll to bottom for chart

Kitchen Gadget Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest

Pantry Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest

Stocking a Bar Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest

The Ultimate Grocery List (single-page checklist)
From GroceryLists.org

Weekly Menu Plan (single-page chart)
From WebMomz

That’s all I can find for now. Readers, did I miss anything? Please leave your suggestions in the comment section.

(Photo courtesy of Medill Reports.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Megalinks: Not-so-elderly Woman Behind a Laptop in a Large Town Edition

Today, Pearl Jam is reissuing Ten, the greatest, bestest, seminal-iest album of my adolescence. I had it on cassette, and listened to it so much you could hear Side A’s music when Side B was playing. To celebrate its 18th anniversary (lord, I’m old), today’s megalinks include a few of my favorite songs from Eddie and the boys.

Consumerist: FTC To Require Advertisers Using Testimonials To Show Typical Results
Man, what a development! From now on, businesses will have to portray the actual, average results of their product, meaning they won’t be allowed to show a person who lost 400 pounds and then add a tiny “results aren’t typical” caveat at the bottom. Needless to say, corporations aren’t happy because they’ll lose the “aspirational” allure of the product, which will drive away customers. Crazy.

Epi-Log: Recession Dining – The Numbers Battle
Prep your calculators, folks. There’s lots of exciting math in this one: “So is the recession bad for the restaurant business and good for home kitchen appliances? Or is it the other way around?”

Globe and Mail: Picky Eaters Can Be Converted
How? By sitting down together and eating dinner as a family. Veddy interesting. (Thanks to Slashfood for the link.)

Healthy Eats: Healthy, Kid-Friendly Snacks
Fruits, veggies, food on sticks: it’s a cornucopia of child-sized snackage in alluring rainbow colors. Collect them all!

Jezebel: Study Finds Obesity May Be As Bad As Smoking
Severe obesity – sporting a BMI of 40 to 50 – will take a decade off your life, according to a recent study. Is not so good. (18.5 – 24.9 is considered normal.)

Jezebel: Sugar Now Being Branded As a Health Food
Look, here’s the thing: sugar isn’t particularly bad for you in moderation. Neither is high fructose corn syrup. But we (Americans) don’t eat either in the amounts we should. We consume massive quantities of both substances, ignoring healthy foods in the process. So this whole sugar v. HFCS debate? Is nothing but smoke and mirrors. We’re missing the larger point by concentrating on minor details.

The Kitchn: Have You Ever Had a Dish That Changed the Way You Thought?
Oh, yes. Two cauliflower and one red cabbage dish. In the last month alone. Life is good.

The Kitchn: A New Kitchen Garden for the White House
Super-neat blueprint for the Obamas’ new veggie garden. Apparently, there will be LOTS of room for spinach. Popeye will be pleased.

LA Times: Can two people eat on $67 a week?
This should be called “Can two gourmands eat on $67 a week?” The answer is: essentially yes. Fun lessons are learned.

LA Times: Student obesity linked to proximity to fast-food outlets
UC Berkeley took a look at some McDonalds. Then they looked at some high schools. Then they tried to figure out how close they were to each other. Then they came up with this: “The presence of an outlet within easy walking distance of a high school -- about 530 feet or less -- resulted in a 5.2% increase in the incidence of student obesity compared with the average for California youths.” Thanks, hippies!

Money Saving Mom: How to Save Money When Eating Out
Nothing you haven’t seen before, but it’s nice to have all the tips in one place. Worth revisiting if you’re restructuring your meal plan, as well.

MSN Smart Spending: DIY -Homemade pizza is easy, delicious and cheap
To paraphrase Mugatu, “Homemade pizza: it’s so hot right now.” Karen Datko explores the trend, and comes up with a few different recipes to match our citizens' different tastes.

New York Daily News: Great meals and deals: Dine in Brooklyn program serves up three courses for $23
Yo! Youse guys in BK! It’s freakin’ restaurant week! Grab a Hamilton and getcherself ta your favorite brunch place. What? You don’t got no dough? FUGGEDDABOUDIT. (These geographically-based accent stereotypes were brought to you by: the letter L and the number 2/3 train to President St.)

New York Times: Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not
Mark Bittman sounds off on the organic debate. His verdict: forget labels and just eat some vegetables, dagnabbit.

New York Times: Is a Food Revolution Now in Season?
The food-conscious Obama administration could very well usher in a new era of sustainability, health, and awesome cooking. (The revolution will not be televised! Unless you eat dinner when you’re watching TV.)

Readers Digest: Healthy Eating Begins at the Supermarket
Like the MSM post, this isn’t anything new. But it goes the extra mile with the tip explanation, making them simple and attainable for just about everybody.

Serious Eats: 30 Things To Do With Leftover Salsa
#31: Put on head. Pretend it’s vulture poop. Shock family into believing there are vultures in Manhattan. Giggle with evil.

Serious Eats: Alice Waters on 60 Minutes
The Slow Food Queen recently spoke with Lesley Stahl, and came off … less than populist. (Snobby, is what I’m saying.) Serious Eaters have opinions.

Serious Eats: Reducing Food Costs – Cooking with a Friend
Note: this is about cooking WITH a friend. Not COOKING a friend. I read the title too fast at first and thought it was going to devolve into a Silence of the Lambs situation.

Serious Eats: Urban Chickens in the Bronx
And you thought New Yorkers only kept tigers and alligators in their apartments.

Slashfood: What Nutritionists Eat
If you guessed, “nutritious food,” you get a gold star. But there’s other stuff, too.

Zen Habits: 17 Arse-kicking Strategies to Stick to Your Diet and Get Fit
Really solid list of inspiration, presented in ways you might not be used to. Zen Habits is a great blog to get into in general, but Leo’s food and fitness posts tend to be particularly stellar.

CHG was included in two blog carnivals this week, as well:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chorizo and Potato Frittata: 'Til We Meat Again

(You guys! My column over at Serious Eats today is on Daniel Boulud’s recipe for Red Cabbage with Honey and Apples. I loathe red cabbage with the white-hot intensity of a thousand angry suns, and still thought this was DELICIOUS. We have enough to feed the entire block until 2022. If you get the chance, check it out.)

One of the trickiest things about healthy cooking is figuring out how to use meat. Lean cuts like chicken breast, pork tenderloin, and flank steak aren’t too terrible of an issue. In general, they can be consumed in greater quantities without causing crazy damage to your diet. On the other hand, while undeniably delicious, overdosing on fattier meats like pork belly and sausage will end your newest bout with Weight Watchers faster than you can say, “I’d like another serving of Bacon Explosion, please.”

That’s why it’s always a pleasant surprise to discover a healthy recipe that features fatty meat in a way you can actually taste it. Like say, my slightly altered version of Jamie Oliver’s Chorizo and Potato Frittata (found via Serious Eats). Chorizo is a Spanish sausage with a distinct, spicy flavor, and it permeates the entire dish without overwhelming it. Even better, since the sausage is cut up into small pieces, you’re guaranteed to get a chunk with almost every bite. Really, it’s like having your cake-izo and eating it, too.

It should be noted, though, that the sausage isn’t the frittata’s only highlight. While the potatoes are cooking, Oliver asks you to prepare an easy shallot/parsley/lemon topping that’s added to the dish at the very end. Having tried it, I have to say - it’s absolutely indispensible, and will probably make appearances on various meals in the future. Yum squared, dude.

As always, there are a few notes, should you attempt the frittata yourself:

1) The potatoes make this thing dang hearty. Thusly, it’s suitable for breakfast, brunch, lunch, linner, dinner, or late night after you’ve had a few brews. Go crazy.

2) To save fat and calories, I substituted 6 egg whites for 4 whole eggs, cut the chorizo by 1-1/2 ounces, and subtracted a potato. I think I lost about 9 grams of fat per serving that way, and it still worked out VERY nicely.

3) Use an oven-safe pan, and be careful with the handle once it’s finished. That thing is HOT, and twice in the last week, I’ve barehanded a fresh-from-the-oven vessel. NOT GOOD.

4) My sister liked this. She only likes: gum, Diet Coke, spaghetti. I consider it a coup.

5) I’m not ashamed to admit: I ate my piece with my hands, as if it was pizza. I highly suggest trying this, but waiting until it cools off a little first. Good times.

Readers – how about you? Any healthy recipes where bacon/sausage/filet mignon is prominently featured? Do tell.

Chorizo and Potato Frittata
Serves 4
Adapted from Jamie Oliver

3 small red potatoes, scrubbed and cut into small chunks
kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 large eggs
6 large egg whites
2-1/2 ounces Spanish chorizo sausage, chopped into 1/3-inch pieces
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, leaves picked
2 small shallots, peeled and very finely sliced
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil, divided
A bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked, very roughly chopped

1) Boil potatoes in salted water until tender enough to pierce through with a knife. Drain. Pour back into pot. Let dry out a bunch.

2) Preheat oven to 375°F.

3) In a large ovensafe skillet, heat potato and chorizo over medium-high. Saute 5 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Chorizo should have rendered its fat by the end.

4) While the chorizo and potatoes are cooking, add eggs, salt, and pepper to a bowl. Whisk 'em all together.

5) After that, slice up the shallots. In a small bowl (separate from the eggs), combine shallots, lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of olive oil, and a little salt and pepper. "Pinch shallots with your fingers to dress." Marinate a few minutes.

6) Okay. By now, the chorizo and potato should be done. Put them on a plate. Add the remaining ½ teaspoon of olive oil to the pan. Add rosemary and jack heat up to high. Cook until a little crispy. Add eggs. Quickly add chorizo and potato pushing them around so they're evenly spread out. Put pan in oven. Cook until the eggs are set, a little puffy, and are ever-so-lightly browned on top. Remove from oven and immediately remove frittata from pan.

7) Add parsley to shallot mixture. Sprinkle over frittata. Serve right away.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
215 calories, 10.7 g fat, $0.85

3 small red potatoes: 190 calories, 0.4 g fat, $0.47
kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
2 large eggs: 147 calories, 9.9 g fat, $0.25
6 large egg whites: 103 calories, 0.4 g fat, $0.75
2-1/2 ounces Spanish chorizo sausage: 323 calories, 27.2 g fat, $1.07
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, leaves picked: 2 calories, 0.1 g fat, $0.18
2 small shallots: 41 calories, 0.1 g fat, $0.53
Juice of 1 lemon: 13 calories, 0 g fat, FREE (I paid for the zest in last Friday’s recipe)
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil: 39 calories, 4.5 g fat, $0.04
A bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley: 2 calories, 0 g fat, $0.10
TOTAL: 860 calories, 42.6 g fat, $3.41
PER SERVING (TOTAL/4): 215 calories, 10.7 g fat, $0.85

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Low Glycolic Diets?

Weight Loss and Diets For Low Glycolic Diets (GI)

One would like to think that everyone knows that sugar is bad for you, but let's put this simply - it is. Why? When you eat products with a lot of sugar the body gets a rush of energy, which does not last, and this is soon followed by the rapid down period or energy lull.

The result? The body gets a quick let-down and craves more food. Also rather than burning body fat to supply the energy needs of the body, the body uses the sugar energy first, and the - the result of course is that weight loss is that much harder.

Technically the level of sugar contained in foods is called the glycemic index or GI. By following a diet of foods with a low GI index, you will feel less hungry. You are in effect controlling cravings for snacks in your body. These cravings are the result of physically imbalances in your system, rather than simply will-power problems. The less you eat, the less calories you consume, the more you can control your weight.

In cooking and baking therefore the idea is to use ingredients that are low in the GI index. This is particularly challenging in baking even the simplest recipes calling for a number of ingredients and special dieters will surely appreciate foods cooked and baked with their needs in mind.

There are many sources of interesting recipes to match a low GI diet, such as Diabetic-Diet-Secrets ,
Rusk (Biscotte) Recipe For Low Glycemic Index (GI) diets. The South Beach Diet also deals with the concept of the low GI diet. This is very much in keeping with the 'new' notion recently discovered that if you eat less calories, you will lose weight?
Author: Hillary Wolf
About the author: Hillary Wolf is experienced in small-scale catering with an emphasis on guests having special dietary need.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dramatically Increase Your Body's Glutathione

Glutathione(pronounced gloo-ta-thigh-own) - -Your Body's Most Powerful Antioxidant

Your body naturally creates a powerful antioxidant called Glutathione or GSH. Glutathione helps to counteract free-radicals - those dangerous by-products of breathing oxygen and exposure to toxic substances which are found in our air, water, and food. Glutathione also regulates the body's ability to recycle its store of other antioxidants including vitamin A, C, E and Co-enzyme Q10. Basically, glutathione is required to maintain a healthy immune system.

Glutationone is a small protein made up of three amino acids, glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine. Glutathione is not easily absorbed by cells because of its large molecule size and so must be synthesized within the cell(intracellularly). Each cell produces its own glutathione as needed. The amount each cell can make is determined by the availability of the amino acid cysteine.

Glutathione defends our body against disease, toxins, viruses, radiation, oxidative stress and the effects of the aging process. Research shows that low glutathione levels are linked to chronic illnesses. Some of these illnesses are cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV, AIDS, autism, alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, asthma, allergies, skin problems, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, cataracts, pregnancy complications, low sperm count, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, kwashiorkor and seizure. Some scientists estimate that a 30% reduction of glutathione is enough to cause cellular dysfunction which in turn leads to illness and disease.

Glutathione levels are depleted by aging and excessive stress upon the body's immune system through exercise, infections, medications and environmental toxins. By age 20, we start losing glutathione at a rate of 8-12% per decade. As we grow older, our body's production of glutathione is reduced. At this same time, it's need for glutathione is further increased.

Our bodies extract glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine from our food. Foods which are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids have been found to be the best sources of these precursors of glutathione. Glutathione is found in fish, meat, eggs, milk,
fruits & vegetables(fresh or frozen). Cooking & pasteurization usually destroy all glutathione (spinach is an exception). Other rich dietary sources of glutathione are asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes,
avocado & walnuts. Grains and pasteurized dairy products are poor sources for glutathione. Undenatured whey protein contains moderate levels of naturally occurring glutathione. It is also one of the best known building blocks for glutathione. Sadly, most supplements containing glutathione do not increase the
body's glutathione levels since most glutathione breaks down in the digestive system.

Your diet will not be high in glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine (the precursors of glutathione) unless you eat a lot of freshly harvested, toxin-free, uncooked fruits, nuts and vegetables. There are only a few proven ways to increase intracellular glutathione. Usually, with a proven glutathione deficiency, you can have supplementation administered by a health care professional. Such supplementation will be administered intravenously, intramuscularly or by aerosol. However, remember that your body can manufacture glutathione when given the correct nutrients.

A new nutritional supplement, MaxGXL™, provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's natural ability to synthesize glutathione. This increases the glutathione levels in all cells including the brain and liver which both function as major production sites and storehouses for glutathione. If you are over 20, stressed, sleep deprived or suffering from any prolonged illness, you will notice marked results after using MaxGXL™. Sometimes in as little as 1 week. This stimulation of the body's production of glutathione will result in increased glutathione levels which can be measured by a blood test! MaxGXL™ Patented Formula is proven to dramatically increase Glutathione.

Dramatically Increase YourBody's Glutathione

Author: Aprill C Ralowicz
About the author: I have been challenged by various health issues among extended family members. In addition, I fall within that group of uninsured Americans. To preserve my health & well-being, I have become an avid reader & researcher of all things health related. I feel that I can aid other fellow human beings by sharing some of what I have learnt.

Five Reasons To Eat Raw Foods

The raw food diet is a diet based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, dried fruit, and seaweed. The eating of meat or fish raw is not something that the majority of raw foodies advocate.

It is a scientific fact that heating food above 116 degrees Fahrenheit is believed to destroy enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. Once the enzymes are dead then your organs have to work harder and they become overworked and for many they no longer function as they should. Cooking is also thought to diminish the nutritional value and life of food, often rendering the food toxic to your body. I don't advocate a complete raw food diet, but I do recommend incorporating 50% or more raw foods into your lifestyle.

There is no denying that there are many reasons why one should incorporate more raw foods in their diet. Here are 5 possible benefits when eating a raw food diet, or at least incorporating more raw foods in your diet.

1. Lowers Free Radicals and formation of Disease

The reversal or elimination of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer can be accomplished through a raw food diet. When food is cooked it creates free radicals; a major cause of cancer. When you lower the number of free radicals in your cells, you lower your risk of cancer. A diet that is mostly raw eliminates the need for over cooking foods which in turns lowers the creation of free radicals in the body.

2. Saves Money

When you eat raw foods you save money. This is because when you eat raw your body is getting more of the necessary nutrients than it needs so there is no need for all the supplements and vitamins that those who eat more cooked food tend to consume. Also with raw food you eliminate many of the pots, pans, and appliances needed for cooking because you prepare it as opposed to cooking it. Another way you save money is because a diet that is high in raw foods eliminates many of the illnesses that are caused by over cooked foods so you are not bothered with many medical expenses.

3. Saves Time

Raw foods take very little preparation so you spend less time in the kitchen. Most raw food meals that even your children can help in the preparation and some can do the preparation alone.

4. Normalizes Body Weight

Consuming raw foods will help you achieve your ideal body weight. With raw foods you won't feel fat and if you are too thin, you will actually start to look healthier. And a huge plus is that you won't have to worry about counting calories.

5. More Energy

An excellent benefit of raw food is that most people feel more energy. With raw foods your metabolic rate is higher and you feel like actually doing something. Cooked foods load your body down making it feel tired and you are not as active as you would like to be.

Overall raw food consumption is a great way to create a body that is healthy and looks great inside and out. If you are thinking of adopting a raw food idea make it an aim to have a diet that is 50% to 75% raw.

Kale and Mushrooms with Polenta: Temptation

Things I was tempted to do for today’s post, but ultimately resisted:

1) Inspired by the most recent episode of 30 Rock, I wanted to put up several pictures of a young Alec Baldwin. Because, really, have you SEEN that guy in his twenties? He made Brad Pitt look like Ernest Borgnine after a chainsaw accident.

2) Comment on this AV Club piece about the music you just can’t listen to anymore, “because of the memories you associate with them.” For me, it’s Jeff Buckley. My friend H turned me on to him back in 1995, a full decade before “Hallelujah” popped up on The O.C. or American Idol. Grace was a perfect album for a perfect time, and now he’s dead and his music isn’t my special secret anymore. Don’t get me wrong - the specialness isn’t totally gone (his voice continues to be a space-and-time-stopper), but it’s diminished a bit. Or maybe I’m just old and cranky.

3) Post a link to Jamie Foxx’s new video, if only because director Ron Howard makes several prominent appearances. I gotta admit, I never thought I’d see Opie rolling with T-Pain and a bottle of Cristal.

4) Discuss my wedgie. It’s epic.

5) Apologize for discussing my wedgie. This is a food blog, for pete’s sake. We have to maintain a modicum of class around here.

6) But seriously, it’s huge.

7) Lament Binghamton’s quick exit from the NCAA tournament. Though I went to a rival SUNY (State University of New York) and was not aware we had sports, it’s nice to see public school kids represent.

8) Write a poem about Kale and Mushrooms with Creamy Polenta, a recipe from Epicurious/Bon Appetit found via Serious Eats. It would go like this:

Flavored by bacon and milk and butter,
and enough lemon to make my tongue flutter,
is a dish so creamy, substantial, and great,
I want to ask it out on a date.

Alas, the dinner is food and not people
or in three years, we’d be found in a steeple
saying our vows and planning a life
together as Kale with Mushrooms and wife.

But anyway back to the task at my hand,
describing this dinner, so pleasant and grand.
No side dishes needed, I swear and it’s true:
This should feed about three, including you.

The price is a pittance, when you take in the taste,
and I promise, there’ll be no barfing or waste.
For when you are asked, “hey hon, what is shakin?”
You can say: “It’s veggies! With corn stuff and bacon!”


Anyway, that’s what I was tempted to do with today’s post. But I’m not gonna do any of them. Instead I’m just gonna list the recipe and its picture. (And tell you not to skip out on the lemon zest. It’s vital.)


Kale and Mushrooms with Creamy Polenta
Serves 3
Adapted from Nick at Serious Eats who adapted it from Epicurious/Bon Appetit

1/2 pound kale, stemmed and roughly chopped
2 cups 2 % milk
1 3/4 cups water
1 cup polenta
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 slices bacon, chopped
2 ounces mushrooms
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
1/2 tablespoon grated lemon zest (about 2 medium large lemons)
1-1/2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
Salt and pepper to taste

1) In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat milk, water, polenta, salt, and pepper over medium heat, whisking frequently/almost the whole time. Once it simmers, drop heat to medium-low. Cook 15 or 20 minutes, until it's thickened and polenta-like, stirring occasionally.

2) While this is happening, fill a medium pot with water. Set it on high heat and boil. Once it's boiling, add kale. Cook 5 or 6 minutes, until wilted. Drain. Set aside. (Note: Several people suggested sautéing the kale with the mushrooms, thus skipping the boiling process. I haven’t tried it, but it should work.)

3) In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium-high heat. Cook until crisp, stirring frequently. Take bacon out of pan and set aside on a plate. Add mushrooms to pan. Saute about 6 minutes, until they're pretty much cooked. Add kale, bacon, garlic, and broth to skillet. Boil it for about 5 minutes, so it reduces. Kill the heat. Stir in thyme, lemon zest, and salt and pepper to taste.

4) Go back to the polenta pot. Add butter and parm. Stir. When both are thoroughly incorporated, scoop some polenta into a bowl or on a plate. Add a heap of the mushroom/kale mixture. Serve. Rejoice.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
435 calories, 16.6 g fat, $1.72

1/2 pound kale, stemmed and roughly chopped: 114 calories, 1.6 g fat, $0.99
2 cups 2 % milk: 245 calories, 9.8 g fat, $0.49
1 3/4 cups water: negligible calories and fat, FREE
1 cup polenta: 505 calories, 2.3 g fat, $0.99
1/4 teaspoon salt: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
1/2 teaspoon black pepper: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
2 slices bacon, chopped: 122 calories, 9.4 g fat, $0.35
2 ounces mushrooms: 12 calories, 0.2 g fat, $0.33
1 garlic clove, minced: 4 calories, 0 g fat, $0.04
1/4 cup chicken broth: 4 calories, 0 g fat, $0.08
1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped: 2 calories, 0 g fat, $0.22
1/2 tablespoon grated lemon zest (about 2 medium large lemons): 1 calorie, 0 g fat, $0.60
1-1/2 tablespoons butter: 151 calories, 16.9 g fat, $0.13
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated: 144 calories, 9.5 g fat, $0.91
Salt and pepper to taste: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
TOTAL: 1304 calories, 49.7 g fat, $5.16
PER SERVING (TOTAL/3): 435 calories, 16.6 g fat, $1.72

(Alec Baldwin photo courtesy of Doodad Kind of Town.)