Monday, October 25, 2010

Beauty from The Outside In, Know-How on Raw Food

Raw food and beauty

The raw food diet is a very effective way to ensure flawless skin for yourself. Many people have accepted the strict raw food regime mainly because of this extraordinary effect. The raw food diet gives you great skin and makes you look younger than ever before.

Cooking destroys many important enzymes that are present in the food material. Apart from the enzymes, the extremely high temperatures in which cooking is done results in the destruction of many important nutrients as well. Thus, when you consume the cooked food, the enzymes present in your own body are used up. Raw Food does not let this happen. The enzymes present in the raw food help in the process of digestion.

Thus, by consuming raw food, you are getting more enzymes in. papaya and sprouts very rich in enzymes.

Antioxidants are another important thing present in raw food like carrots, apricots and berries. Berries have antioxidants that encourage collagen formation and carrots have beta-carotene antioxidants that protect the skin from sun damage.

The function of the antioxidants is to fight the free radicals that do a lot of damage to the skin, hinder collagen production and result in wrinkles and premature aging. The raw food also protects the skin from harmful rays of the sun. Many citrus fruits, like lemon, grapefruit and orange also help fight the free radicals.

Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10, is a great antioxidant that fights open radicals and aging. Raw food like Broccoli, peanuts and spinach are rich in them.

Anti oxidant like alpha lipoic acid, found in spinach, tomatoes, peas and brewer's yeast, is another anti-oxidant that increases the power of Vitamin C and E and encourage the energy production in the body.

Sulfur, a material needed in the production of good skin, tresses and nails, is a mineral. The sulfur present in natural food is said to be destroyed during cooking. The raw food rich in sulfur are asparagus, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion etc.

Silicon, a mineral that decreases in content with age, is required for good skin, hair, nails and bones. Green leafy vegetables and fruits like apples cherries etc are the best source of this mineral.

Different green leafy vegetables, bell pepper etc are rich in a chemical present in plants called Phytochemicals. These are magic chemicals with anti-aging properties.

Vitamin E is also good for the skin and is found aplenty in nuts and seeds.

Selenium is a material, which prevents the skin from sagging. It is present in garlic, onions and shallots.

Skin is an organ. And when the body needs to throw off poison, it passes out throughout the skin. Sticking to a raw food diet and taking in loads of water ensures proper detoxification. Seaweed is very rich in minerals and assists the body in detoxification.

Thus, for great skin, eat a lot of healthy raw food along with at least 8 glasses of water per day!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Go Raw With the Raw Food Diet

A raw way of eating is becoming the latest trend in many countries around the world. More and more people are hopping on the raw food band wagon in hopes of promoting greater health for themselves and their family.

A raw cookbook can be just the thing and has become quite the craze along with this most popular diet fad. A raw food diet cookbook can offer quite an array of delicious recipes that are not only fun to eat but are completely 100% raw goodness.

It is much easier to incorporate this new way of eating when you have a book that covers all the basics to raw living. There are many kitchen tools that are necessary to perform various culinary tasks such as making nut pates, seed cheese recipes and various raw dessert recipes.

Many of these books recommend the basic food processor, high speed blender, and a good knife. Thousands of people are maintaining this way of life, using everything in their kitchen but the stove itself. No need for heat when you got raw meat!

The authors of these cookbooks have often being doing a raw diet for years and are accustom to all the questions that come up when eating purely non processed, living foods. They have usually seen it all and don't mind sharing the information collected in their books.

This is quite handy for the newbie just starting out. You can be assured that many of the recipes have been put to the test and are full proof. There are so many beginner books with this diet that are easy to understand, giving basic steps and instructions for many of the simplest raw meals.

Often you just need a good knife and chopping block and your good to go... go raw that is! Who knows where your delicious recipes may evolve. You could end up adding other ingredients to make them extra yummy, adding your favorite herbs and spices to get just the right flavor.

Other books offer more complex recipes that involve the use of more high tech kitchen appliances. A lot of people already are well familiar with the processor and blender, so this makes it easy. Raw entrees, smoothies and shakes can be blended, whipped and processed into culinary works of art.

It is good to practice a bit to get it down, but using these tools instead of your frying pan with give you a healthier way of eating that will catch on quick. Children love to a raw cookbook because they are usually kid friendly. They do not involve the dangers of cooking at high temperatures.

You can try making some tasty desserts that the whole family will instantly love. I mean, who can usually refuse a fresh fruit pie or strawberry mouse. They won't even know that it is raw at first, until you tell them, of course.

Raw recipes from a cookbook are the way to go for making the best desserts and meals anywhere. They make it easy for anyone to become a chef in the kitchen, exploring all the raw fruits, nuts and vegetables to create an abundant array of raw dishes.

Water, The Bodies Favorite Raw Food

Most likely all of us have been ill or felt weak at one point or another in our lives and just hoped that the pain and torment would disappear. In many cases sickness and discomfort can be attributed to a lack of proper nutrition and raw food intake. Our health is a complex subject that depends on an expansive array of variables. One of the most vital raw food variables is water. Purified drinking water is one of the most critical elements to staying healthy. Shocking even to me still, medical research claims the brain, our blood and lungs all consist of around 80% or more water. These numbers are pretty staggering and really highlight water as a crucial raw food for the body. Flowing inside of us all over, water in some capacity facilitates almost every action we take. Just reading and processing this article demands your physical and mental systems to have water available. Water is full of redeeming qualities and by viewing it truly as a raw food it becomes easier to appropriately incorporate into our diets. To a raw food enthusiast water must never be the boring drink on the menu. It should be viewed as a food fuel that powers our essence. It would be wise to avoid taking water for granted and to begin embracing it. Now would be a great time to review some of the reasons why water's place in our raw food diets is essential and not as difficult to manage as we may think.

Drinking a glass of water may not conjure visions of nourishment and empowerment but this seemingly simple compound is often more powerful than we realize. What we usually do not completely comprehend is that water consumption strengthens a large portion of our bodily functions. Even something as simple as PH balance may provide a hint that the contributions of water as a raw food source may be larger than we think. Water is the focal feature of our PH ranges which ties directly into immune stability, energy viability and the handling of oxygen processes. While still on the subject of PH levels and oxygen water injects its powers onto our breathing as well. Water is an oxygen distribution aid and an accumulator of carbon dioxide which lets our air flows flourish. Another water function revolves around our Kidneys. Water dilutes the toxic fluid urea which allows the kidney and other body tissues to perform. Water is also a proven deterrent of kidney stones. I am sure at one time or another we have all found our muscles, bones, joints and limbs to be exhausted. Utilizing water as a raw food can help many of our bodies characteristics to rejuvenate, energize and age slower. Medical issues such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and continual backaches can in many cases be curbed and contained by increasing our use of water as a raw food. A revealing sign of waters value is its value to pregnant and nursing women. Providing for another life, expecting mothers depend on water to assure the baby has proper nutrient delivery, blood circulation and fetal nourishment. If helping babies stay alive was not enough water personally discourages constipation, heartburn, migraines, ulcers, gastritis, dehydration and fatigue. Water can even prevent such traumas as brain damage, cancer, heart disease and strokes. Water as a raw food resource is one of the quintessential aspects to us feeling good and maximizing our potentials. By drinking more and cooking with it in our raw food recipes we will be securing a sizeable health advantage for ourselves.

Sourcing purified and contaminant free drinking water is nearly a requirement for preserving our bodies and catering to its needs. Water as a significant piece of our cell make up is one of the most important components to our physiological success. We must constantly be looking for new ways to incorporate water into our diets and raw food smoothie and soup recipes are one great way to accomplish this. Here are a few more easy tips to aid our water intake levels. Make water available around the temperature you like. Maybe smoothies if you like cold and soups if you like hot. Teas and even a cold or warm glass of just water with a little lemon are other ways to adjust water temperature to encourage consumption. Drinking through a straw and drinking water at hotter temperatures are some other approaches that have worked when trying to increase results. A safely tested filtration system and clean water accessibility are some further keys to assuring water stays a part of your raw food menus. Regardless of what angle you take if you care about your health and well-being then including water into your life on a more frequent basis should be a goal.

Proponents of raw food should have a passion for drinking water and cooking with it. Water represents a positive tomorrow. Our bodies crave it and it is ideal to satisfy these longings. Without water we can become crippled, confused and confined. With water our fitness and health blossom in new directions. Workouts are more productive with it, our bodies cherish it and almost anybody that has studied its qualities will recommend it. We all should have a great respect for water and by thinking outside the box and really understanding water for the raw food that it is will only enhance our experiences. Drinking more purified water is about becoming a better person and when we can learn how to cook with it we really expand our horizons. Bring more water into your life now and thank me later. Try some of our raw food recipe cookbooks, add more water to your life and educate your mind through some of our raw food research and you will not be disappointed with the result.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

5 Know-How Tips For the Raw Food Beginner

Are you new to the raw food diet and finding it hard to maintain? Do you feel like a raw food newbie, surrounded by thriving veteran raw foodists?

Fear not, dear reader! These 5 know how tips will give any raw food beginner the confidence and the know-how to succeed on a low fat, raw vegan diet. You'll be a thriving raw foodist in no time.

#1: Know How to Pick Good Quality Fruit

This is #1 on the list for a reason. Knowing how to choose fresh, ripe, and delicious raw produce - as well as knowing how much food you need for the day and what fruits you enjoy - is a huge factor in your raw success.

My original decision to give low fat, high fruit raw vegan a chance was rather impulsive. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and didn't know where to turn. I had been on what I thought at the time was the healthiest diet in the world: cooked vegan. The anemia, excess weight, and joint pains that plagued me screamed that the diet wasn't working and so raw foods seemed like the next logical step.

Unlike most of the decisions in my life, I just kind of went for it! I started by eating about 75% raw and saw results immediately. I had much more energy, experienced immediate weight loss, had more focus, etc. This got me so excited that I felt I had to go 100% raw right away!

Because I was still a new player in the raw food game, I had to go through a lot of trial and error. It became shockingly clear how little I knew about produce and what a newbie I was at choosing anything close to edible. I can't tell you the number of times I threw away wads of cash on rock hard, never to ripen, out of season, tasteless fruits and turned to cooked foods for sustenance!

My best advice to you is to take it slow. Gradually adding in raw, sweet fruit to your diet will allow you to learn as you go along without worrying about "slipping up" on cooked foods.

#2: Know How to Make Simple (Yet Tasty) Raw Recipes

Many raw food beginners feel that a low fat raw vegan diet is completely tasteless and way too boring. I understand that eating foods in their whole states can seem a little bland at first. Okay, maybe REALLY bland!

Well, that's where raw recipes come in!

To get started, I recommend that you experiment with fruit salads, fruit smoothies and green smoothies. A fruit salad is just a few different varieties of fruits mixed together. For instance, I love equal parts of chopped papaya, orange, and pineapple mixed together in a big bowl. So juicy and refreshing!

A fruit smoothie is a few different fruits blended together. In most cases, the base is a denser fruit like bananas, mangoes, or papayas. Smaller portions of other fruits are then added to the base. My favorite smoothie is 3 bananas, 2 oranges, and 1 cup of wild blueberries. How much water you add to your drink will depend on how thick you like it. I usually start with 1 cup.

A green smoothie is just a fruit smoothie with greens added to it. These are great to help cut the sweetness in your meal and help you get in your greens for the day. An always popular green smoothie is 5 bananas, 1 cup of blueberries, and 2 handfuls of romaine. When adding greens, start with small handfuls. Trust me, a grassy smoothie is not very appetizing.

I also recommend that you have at least one savory recipe that you really, really enjoy. Salsas with lots of tomatoes and celery are great and you can use them as a dressing over greens to give a heartier feel to the dish. You can also make lots of delicious raw soups or blended salads using saltier veggies as your base.

#3: Know How to Eat Enough

Yes, I know I harp on calorie consumption A LOT. That's because it's important! The best quality fruit and the tastiest raw recipes will do NOTHING for your success if you don't eat enough. It becomes all to easy to slip back into cooked food eating habits when you're running on empty.

So how do you make sure you are consuming the right amount of food? First, multiply your ideal weight by 10. This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the calories you would need if you remained in bed all day. Second, add any calories that you burn during the day to your BMR. This is dependent upon your lifestyle. For instance, someone who works in construction will use many more calories than someone working a desk job. Lastly, add any calories you burn from exercise. Voila! Now you have a rough estimate of how much food you need per day.

It's important to remember that this is just an estimate. If you don't feel satisfied eating this amount, just gradually increase how much sweet fruit you eat during a meal. The general rule is that satiation should last between 3-5 hours after you have eaten.

#4: Know How to Move Your Body

Exercise can be a lifesaver if you are new to raw foods and struggling with cooked food cravings. Moving your body every day really helps to foster hunger and when your hungry, any food will do. I've never enjoyed my simple fruit meals as much as I do after an intense workout!

If you're new to exercise, don't sweat it (pun intended)! A simple jog around the neighborhood or a game of badminton or a dip in the pool can do wonders for your eating efforts. A little exercise goes a long way!:)

#5: Know How to Have Fun

Just this past month, I had a lot of fun produce shopping. Not only did I visit my favorite farmers market, but I also learned about a Hispanic market a few minutes from my house. I had actually known about this place for quite some time, but was hesitant to go there because it was in a not-so-nice part of town.

Anyway, I headed over there with my Dad and was amazed by the variety and quality of produce available. There were at least 10 different types of greens that I had never heard of!

But the really spectacular part was the produce. Not only did the store have sapodilla, mamey, guava, and my favorite mangoes, they carried JACKFRUIT! I could not believe it.

It really is so much fun to come across foods that you have never seen in person or never even heard of. I am constantly surprised and amused by all the different varieties of produce out there.

And even "normal" produce is exciting! Just look at some of the foods you will be dining on: bananas, oranges, grapes, apples, peaches, strawberries, cantaloupe, pears, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, tangerines, mangoes, nectarines, apricots, blueberries, watermelon, romaine, boston lettuce, bok choy, celery, tomatoes, bell pepper...all of which can be found at your local grocery store!

And don't forget all the fun you can have making (and eating) simple raw recipes with these ingredients. The combinations and taste sensations are truly endless.