Many of you maybe familiar with raw food already.
For those of you, that are not, I’ll give a short explanation.
Eating raw food means eating raw fruits, raw vegetables (especially greens), raw nuts and seeds.
This is a diet that, if done right, can bring great health results.
I know stories of people with diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, arthritis, allergies and other diseases, who cured on raw food. Also for weight loss it turns out to be a great way of eating.
Of course changing from a standard diet to raw foods is not always easy. The body starts to detox, which can be hard sometimes, especially if you don’t understand what is going on. It’s best to have someone support you, who is experienced in this.
If you live on raw food already: is your diet balanced? Do you eat enough greens? Do you crave unhealthy foods? Do you sometimes overeat? Do you have any health issues? If not, great, you are doing fine. If you don’t feel totally balanced, take a closer look at your diet and your life (including your emotions).
Maybe you need more greens. Greens are essential in a raw food diet, because of the minerals they contain. Or maybe you eat too much fat. Whereas 10% of your calorie-intake should be from fats, the standard American diet contains about 40% and raw food often up to 65%. This excessive fat intake causes all kinds of problems.
I was impressed by a raw food talk last week by Bendan Brazier. He lives on a 100% vegan raw food diet and is a professional Ironman tri-athlete. Brendan won the 2003 and 2006 Canadian 50km Ultra Marathon. He explains how raw food helps him to be a top-performing athlete. As he tells, training creates acidity in his body. By eating fresh raw food immediately after a training session, he alkalizes faster than his competitors.
Because of this he is able to recover faster and can start training again sooner. This has made him better than all the others, who eat a standard diet and often stuff themselves up with junk food after a training or competition. He tells us, that especially after vigorous exercise, it is the most important time not to eat bad food, but to help your body recover and restore energy with fresh living food. For me it was really inspiring to hear Brendan talk about this.
If you want to know more about this, what to do exactly and how to change to a diet containing more raw food, visit our website at http://www.TheBestNaturalDiet.com/ The free E-book "The Seven Secrets of a Good Diet" will bring you more valuable information.