People who drink diet sodas, or (as I call them) soft drinks have a very high chance of becoming overweight or even obese!
At the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio researchers found, during a 26 year study, that 622 participants aged 25-64 who drank diet soft drinks were more likely to be overweight.
According to the Associated Press, the chances of becoming overweight or obese increased by 65% with each and every diet drink per day.
Throughout the study, 32.7% of all those involved in the study, became either overweight or obese. And 47.2% of those who had 2 or more regular soft drinks a day became obese or overweight. But, the ones who drank 2 or more diet drinks a day, 57.1% became overweight or obese.
"Right now we don't have any clear public message here. This just raises an interesting question" says Sharon Fowler, the study's lead author at the University of TexasHealth Science Center. She told the Houston Chronicle, "I want to be very clear our findings do not prove that diet soft drinks cause people to gain weight".
The researchers are baffled. Even though the diet drinks don't cause people to gain weight they replace that with what should be healthier drinks.
So what is this telling us? Do diet soft drinks make us gain weight? Well, the answer is no, not really! The idea behind this, and I guess the point of the study, is that when people drink a diet drink they tend to eat more or higher calorie foods. We seem to think that we can go ahead and eat that "super size fry" or that "triple cheeseburger" because, hey, I'm drinking a diet soda.
If you want to feel good about what you eat and drink then eat in moderation. Go ahead and have the diet drink, but eat sensibly along with it then you will see good results!