In this article you will find six useful Atkins diet tips.
It is no surprise that the Atkins diet spreads around the world like wildfire to help you out with your weight loss battle.
I give you seven tips to get more results from the Atkins diet.
Atkins diet tip 1 # 1 Get protein from lower fat sources
If you want to apply the Atkinson diet effectively you must eat foods that contain low fat.
Examples of some lower fat sources are chicken, olives, pasta dried fruits and so on.
Atkins diet tip 2 # Drink water.
Whether you like it or not if you follow the Atkins diet you have to drink water.
Drinking water is necessary to keep your metabolism active.
Try to link at least eight glasses of water in a day.
Atkins diet tip 3 # Take a picture
It is important thay stay motivated.
Take a picture of yourself before you follow the diet and share it with your partner, friends, colleagues and family members.
Now everytime you want to quit with the atkins diet look at the picture and see how far you have come?
Atkins diet tip 4 # 4 Try a low fat carb fruit dessert.
No good meal without a dessert. However if you want to lose weight pay attention.
Do not cakes, ice creams or giant pieces of apple pie.
Yes they are very tasteful but if you do this say goodbye to your fat burning efforts.
Instead try a low fat carb fruit dessert. Well here are some fruits you can eat and believe me they are almost as good as apple pie perhaps sometimes even better.
Try this out melon, pears, grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries.
Atkins diet tip 5 # Make your diet public
You want to follow a diet but you are a little bit unsure what people will think about you.
Don't be afraid dieting is not a crime. Instead tell people about your plan to follow an Atkins diet plan.
In fact telling your friends, partners and co workers will increase your accountability.
Atkins diet tip 6 # Choose the right Atkins diet book.
Well I keep it simple the best books related to the atkins diet are the books from Dr Atkins himself.
Of course there are other great diet books written by others too.
Don't forget to do research about it you it is better to spend fifty bucks on useful information that ten bucks on crap information.
I'm sure these atkins diet tips will help you to lose more weight
However if you're not sure about it ask a doctor or diet specialist for help