When you receive the Seal you will begin to control what you eat. New York City is reviving efforts to try to help by requiring restaurants to post the calorie-count of their meals on the menu.
Around 1 in 10 restaurants in New York City is a fast-food restaurant of a big chain. New York wants to require these restaurants to post their calorie-counts right on the menu where the buyers can see what they are buying.
Last September a federal judge would not allow the plan to go forward because it did not include also other restaurants in the city. But the New York City Board of Heath is planning to revive the measure January 22, 2008.
This measure would require fast-food companies to display the amount of calories in meals on the menu board in big enough print that people can see how many calories are in a potential meal.
Big fast-food chains like McDonald's know how many calories are in all their food and they do make that information available to the public but they do not warn buyers by posting it on the menu boards.
Fast-food meals are notorious for containing huge amounts of calories. A single meal can contain 1000s of calories, even meeting or exceeding the amount of calories a person needs in the whole day.
And that is just from the single meal which offers poor nutrition. A diet largely consisting of fast food does not offer the kind of nutrition needed to keep a person healthy and even alive.
NYC officials are hoping to address the problem of obesity by making people more aware of what each meal is doing to them. These meals have not enough nutrition to qualify as one meal but have enough calories to cover the whole day.
NYC also outlawed trans fats in cooking oils from all the restaurants in the city in 2007. Trans fats are the worst kind of fat you can possible eat, made by altering natural fats artificially.
The New York Restaurant Association is the culprit that sued NYC because of the measure in 2007. That was why a federal judge decided that the law had to be changed to become acceptable.
If NYC changes the requirement so restaurants who have not volunteered their calorie counts are also included in the requirement, then the judge from last year would consider it an acceptable requirement.
When you are sealed you will start to change your diet. You will take steps to lose the extra weight. And you will not do it because you just want to look better. It will change the way you feel and is likely to extend your life.
Calorie restriction has often been proven in tests on animals to lengthen their lifespan. It takes a lot of self-discipline to restrict calories. And that self-discipline is often lacking in Americans.
But usually when people eat too much they do not truly enjoy their food. So you will find it easier to cut calories than you first think, because when you start eating less you will start to also enjoy your food more.
When you are sealed you will learn to enjoy food because you will be thankful for what God has given you. And even more than the food itself you will enjoy how much better you feel from eating less food that is healthier food.
When you are sealed God will write His Name upon you. Then you will belong to God. And He will give you the ability to nurse yourself back to health by cutting calories when you receive the Seal.
And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" Jason Witt