Pregnancy nutrition is of the utmost importance.it affects not only the health of the mother, but the health of the baby as well. Pregnancy nutrition is easy when you are armed with the knowledge and power necessary to make smart choices.
Pregnancy places substantial demands on the availability of iron in the body. Pregnancy diet plans give your baby the best chance for a healthy beginning. Pregnancy diet plans provide the extra nutrition and calories needed by your body and the baby. The fetus takes nutrients from the mother; therefore if the mother does not eat properly, both may suffer the consequences. Pregnancy Nutrition refers to the intake of nutrients as well as the planned diets that are usually considered before, during and after pregnancy sessions.
Nutrition experts agree that the best place for the mother-to-be to get all the essential nutrients, including ample amounts of vitamins and minerals, is from her diet. Nutrition is a focal point throughout the nine months a woman carries her child and continues to be important after labor and delivery.
Healthy eating is also as important as fitness and exercise during pregnancy. Healthy eating and a good nutrition plan takes very little of your time but is the single most important thing you can do for your health. Nutrition and exercise are two of the most important factors in determining the healthy growth and development of a child.
Pregnant women should consult a health professional when using Spirulina or any other supplements.
Women need to choose their meals wisely to make sure they’re getting the vitamins and minerals they need without packing on the calories. Women carrying a single baby are advised to add 300 calories to their daily diet. Women who might be pregnant need to eat a well balanced diet and start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as possible. Women who are under five feet two inches tall may aim for the low end of the weight gain range; adolescents and African-Americans, however, should strive for the high end of the recommended range.
Weight gain is desirable for all women since it is essential for normal fetal growth. Weight gain should be around 28-40 pounds for women that are underweight at pregnancy. Weight gain should be around 2-4 pounds the first trimester and 3-4 pounds a month for the remaining time. Weight gain recommendations average from 25-35 lbs.
Foods from animal source such as milk or eggs often contain all these essential amino acids while a variety of plant products must be taken together to provide all these necessary protein components. Foods rich in iron include many meats, fish and poultry (especially red meat and liver). Foods that are high in folic acid include liver, dark green leafy vegetables, lean meat, oranges, grains and legumes (lima beans, black beans, etc.