Has the secret come out? There's no doubt that fruit not only tastes fantastic but it also has many health benefits too. People who use fruit in their daily menu are less likely to encounter such illnesses as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Fruit also provides your body with the nutrients that are needed to mend cells and fight off infection. Yes, but why consume fruit and not another healthy food?
Today our bodies require more vitamins and minerals than was the case before. We have to work longer hours just to make ends meet; we experience a good deal more pressure and are exposed to many poisonous fumes from pollution. Consuming fruit is simply a simple way to provide your body with essential nutrients to ensure that you can cope with the day to day demands that life throws at you. Fruit may of course also save you from getting ill in future.
Studies show that fruit has a variety of natural health benefits. We have really only reached the tip of the iceberg in understanding the many healthy "secrets" that have been packed into simple, ordinary fruit. The updated food pyramid now suggests that people should consume 5 to 9 fruit and vegetable portions every day.
Why is fruit swiftly becoming the first choice for those who want to eat better? Here comes the plain truth. Aside from the great taste, fruit is rich in antioxidants, which can prevent free radicals from damaging your body. Fruit can help support brain function, assist in maintaining healthy joints and fruit will even help to keep you cardiovascular system in good shape.
Fruit comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colours and tastes, but they are all packed with the same healthy benefits. From apples to oranges and from grapes to strawberries, each type of fruit offers unique health benefits that will help you have a healthy and active standard of life. The great variety of nutritious components that are contained in fruit are bounty from Mother Nature herself.
Here are a few varieties of fruit you may wish to start eating if you wish to lead a healthy life:
The Super Charged Cherry!
Will cherries actually help keep your body healthy? Recent studies have shown that cherries offer an enormous variety of health benefits including the ability to offer natural relief from joint inflammation, joint pain from gout and arthritis. Lots of people choose to drink cheery juice, eat tart cherry fruit supplements or eat dried cherries in order to receive all of the virtues from this little red fruit. Nature's Top Antioxidant - Blueberries
Blueberries came to be the #1 in its class for containing the highest antioxidant capacity among fruits. Blueberries have the potential to conteract short-term memory loss that is a product of aging. They also have the potential to improve motor skills. If this tiny fruit could help forestall other effects of the aging process, then their potential would prove to be very great indeed.
Science has demonstrated that this red, delicious berry may contribute to lowering cholesterol and even promote a healthy digestive system. Simply eat a handful of strawberries each day to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Fruit really can carry a powerful wallop as it helps to promote a healthier and stress-free life for all of us! Javier Melendez is a writer for several health and fitness web sites such as the UK Muscle & Fitness site. His recent work concerns weight loss clinics research.