Many will think it is logical to eat less to lose weight. And they are dead wrong that this method will work as the body will then burn less calories as there is lesser food consumed. The end result is you are not going to lose weight this way.
Eat More Is The Solution
It does not sound right but yes you are right that you will lose weight by eating more. However it has a system to follow called the Calories Shifting System. You get to eat four or more meals a day by eating different types of foods with different calories. And you will lose weight fast this way. How can this happen?
Change the Eating Pattern
Your body has a natural mechanism of knowing what food is coming its way when you begin with a eating routine. With a usual routine of eating habits, it is used to burn the same amount of calories. With Calories Shifting, you change this routine pattern. The body tries to adapt to your different calories intake and as a result burn more fats than you think! In a nutshell the two key reasons why it works are:
As you eat more, you force your body to work harder to burn the foods you consume, thus burning more calories.
Your meals come with erratic calorie values. This triggers a faster burning process to rid itself of the calories.
What is the result? You have caused a quick lose weight the safe way. No pills, no rigorous exercises or fasting.
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