All expectant mothers are to be given a one-off payment of around £120 that they will be encouraged to spend on fresh fruit and vegetables as a way of protecting their children from diseases and incurable conditions later in life.
Seafood can be an important part of a balanced diet for pregnant women. It is a good source of high quality protein and other nutrients and is low in fat.
To eat well during pregnancy you must do more than simply increase how much you eat. You must also consider what you eat. Although you need about 300 extra calories a day — especially later in your pregnancy, when your baby grows quickly — those calories should come from nutritious foods so they can contribute to your baby's growth and development.
•Never eat raw meat — such as steak tartare (a raw hamburger dish) — poultry or seafood, especially raw oysters and clams.
•Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs and any food containing them such as Caesar salad, mousse, some custards, homemade ice cream and homemade mayonnaise. •Do not drink raw or unpasteurized milk or foods made from raw milk.
Diet of mothers during pregnancy
It is a fallacy to say that mothers should eat for two. Eat as per the dictates of hunger and eat healthy food as advised by hygiene and you should be OK
Protein The WHO recommendations are 44g of protein a day for pregnant women. There is no need whatsoever for milk and animal products during pregnancy to achieve these levels. Whole grains (wholewheat bread, unpolished brown rice), legumes, lentils, peas, beans, sprouts, nuts and seeds can amply meet your needs. At most a small quantity of yoghurt or cottage can be added to the salad to meet protein and Vitamin B12 requirements
Eat better. Try to be specific about this one. I, for example, am pledging to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. A pregnant friend of mine is pledging to eat ate home more often, a.k.a. less fast food. What small change can you sustain that would make your diet a healthier one?
Guide to Daily Diet When Pregnant
The following daily food servings for pregnant women who are of normal weight before becoming pregnant. Mothers-to-be who are underweight or overweight, should discuss their specific nutritional needs with their doctor or dietitian.
- 9 servings of bread and whole grains
- 4 servings of vegetables
- 3 servings of fruit
- 3 servings of milk and milk products
- 3 servings of meat and protein foods
During pregnancy, a woman needs more iron than normal to produce all the blood needed to supply nutrition to the placenta. Good sources of iron are more in green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, strawberries and breads. Tea, coffee can interfere with the body's absorption of iron. It is often suggested that all pregnant women take an iron supplement every day from the 20th week of pregnancy
The food you eat every day, even before you are pregnant, is important for your health and that of your child. Once you become pregnant it is even more important to eat right since you are eating for both you and your baby. Below we have provided you with free or low cost resources to help you and your child, during and after pregnancy, with food and nutritional needs.