So, just what are the good Candida food groups, which will provide me with the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals and will help to prevent the infection from becoming much worse?
Luckily there are a large number of different foods you can consume to help the body combat a candida infection. These foods will also help in the long term to keep the Candida suppressed and so reduce the chances of you suffering from a further infection in the future.
However, a good diet alone may not be enough to relieve a Candida infection, especially if it has been left untreated for a while. So, it is important to visit the doctor for a proper diagnosis, as there are a number of conditions that have similar symptoms to a candida overgrowth.
Once diagnosed, the doctor will normally prescribe anti-fungal medication, and also may recommend a change in diet and some lifestyle changes.
An anti candida diet is one that restricts the foods that “feed” the candida and provide an environment within the body for it to thrive. It should also help by giving the body the necessary nutrients to boost the immune system and friendly bacteria numbers so that the body can regain balance.
Whilst there are number of acceptable foods that can be included in an anti candida diet, one of the best food types to include is fresh vegetables, preferably uncooked, or lightly cooked. It is also better to chose organic foods, as they are less likely to be covered in pesticides and other man made substances, which may upset the flora of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract further.
Ensure that the vegetables are well washed before consumption, as it is important that no mould, fungus or pesticides are consumed.
Also you can eat as much lean meat, poultry and fish that you like. However, avoid meets that have been processed, including smoked or cured meats. Again it is advisable that you look at eating organic meat, poultry or wild, deep-sea fish as opposed to farmed fish, as they are less likely to contain substances help the Candida thrives
Grain products such as oatmeal, oat bran, whole wheat, shredded wheat, brown rice, barley, millet and rice cakes are good to include in the diet. Not only are they nutritious but they also contain fiber as well as minerals in trace amounts which are good for your health and well being. Or you could try some of the grain alternatives, which you should easily be able to get from your local health food store such as quinoa, buckwheat or amaranth.
Although a number of foods are restricted by a candida diet, there are also many tasty alternatives available. The small list above gives an idea of which sort of foods that are acceptable, but it is important to have a list of the foods that should be restricted from the diet.
Continue reading to sign up for our free newsletter where you will discover natural methods to relieve candida and find out which foods to avoid in your diet to help relieve symptoms.
It is important to remember that following a candida food diet is only one part of the treatment for a candida infection, and so the approach being adopted should always be discussed with your doctor or dietician.
Thank you info by Jane Symms