Eating a raw food diet has been around for many years, but only recently has it started to come into popular practice. There are many raw food recipe books on the market now, as well as raw food restaurants. Much information can be found online in the form of support groups, forums, and newsletters.
Many people are drawn to the raw food diet initially as a means of losing weight, since there are many testimonials to be found of amazing weight loss stories using the raw food diet. Others discover the raw food movement while searching for alternative cures for chronic or fatal diseases such as cancer. There are also many testimonies to be found claiming the raw food diet cured various illnesses.
In any case, one soon discovers that this is not a new fad diet. Eating raw food has been practiced since ancient times and in fact was probably man’s initial diet. The raw food diet is more of a lifestyle change to a healthier more natural way of eating that supports the body.
The raw food diet is based on eating raw vegan food. This includes such foods as raw fruits and raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Raw foodists believe that the more raw food in the diet, the healthier it is, so some eat a 100% raw diet.
It can be extremely difficult for most people to stick to a 100% raw diet so various types of raw foodism have developed. The living foodists eat foods that are alive and full of enzymes such as sprouted seeds and sprouted nuts. Juicarians take their raw food in the form of fresh raw juices.
A small minority of raw foodists go as far as to eat raw meat and raw milk. This practice can be dangerous in today’s world however due to contamination concerns. And another small offshoot of raw foodists will not eat food that has come into contact with a machine at all including juicers, dehydrators, or blenders. Instead they choose their raw food in its natural state.
The underlying principle of raw foodism is the practice of eating living foods instead of dead processed food. Living foods are full of enzymes and thought to have more life force and be better for the body.
Thank you info by Karina Jacobsen