Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Put An End To Fast Food & Snacks In Your Diet

It hardly seems fair... it is so easy to gain weight and so very difficult to get rid of it.

Eating is one of the true pleasures in life. It's a social activity... it's a reason to gather with friends or family. And you can't just completely refrain from food... your body won't tolerate that maneuver and it's unhealthy to do so anyway.

Life is tough enough and nobody wants to give up the few pleasures in life that they truly enjoy; which is why so many people head further and further down the path to obesity without breaking the cycle.

Recent studies indicate that our body doesn't even respond to dieting the way it was once thought. When you deprive your body of food and nutrients, your body goes into a bit of a self defense mode. Your body can't discern between the lean times of a diet and being deprived.

Today your body is also up against a major onslaught of the widespread use of fast foods, soft drinks, and snacks. The make up of fast foods is such that merely one item off of many of menus is the caloric equivalent of an entire meal or more! And not only that, fast foods just leave your stomach screaming for more because they are the meal that doesn't fill you up. And to pile on even more... most people wash the junk food down with a soda that is nothing more than sugar flavored water. This is truly a vicious, unhealthy eating cycle... that coupled with a inactive lifestyle leads to massive storage piles of fat in your body.

Another threat to healthy eating habits are snacks. Snacks contain way too many empty calories that ultimately end up as fat. Between meal snacks should involve you buying some fruit to take with you... so when hunger strikes you have a healthy alternative to a bag of chips. The important point to remember here is that snacks equate to habits. For the vast majority of people battling their weight, they have trained their mind and body (habit)that they need a 'snack' between meals... your body doesn't... it is only responding to it's training. The good news is that just as habits can be developed they can be broken.

Again start by eating some fruit for your snacks and over time I'll guarantee you'll lose the craving for those vending machine treats.

Thank you info by Jeff Foster