Why are raw foods better than processed foods?
When vegetables and fruits and vegetables are picked they are considered "living" for the next 48 hours. There for your body is receiving a product that is extremely high in nutrients. So the sooner you buy them and eat them the more nutrients you body gets. The nutrients are immediately supplied to you cells, meaning more energy source for you.
Understanding the function of Enzymes. They perform a multitude of functions in the body, they have to be present for LIFE to exist. To understand this better enzymes can be compared to a worker who has been trained very well to perform a specific task. Without him all work stops.
Enzymes appear in big numbers in living raw foods, vegetables and fruits. They do not exist is processed foods, because they are sensitive to heat. Thus living raw food have healing abilities, as they get supplied directly to our cells.
The effect that enzymes have on your health. Continuous eating of processed foods with out enzyme rich foods will lead to some of these health conditions. Digestive problems, premature aging,mineral and vitamin deficiencies, blood sugar imbalance, allergies, frequent illnesses, problems with their weight, osteoporosis, heart and circulatory diseases, the list goes on. You can build your enzyme supply up by eating raw vegetables and fruits.
Alkaline and Acid, body chemistry. Healthy cells are slightly alkaline, they have more alkaline elements than acidic elements. when we become sick, it indicates that the cell bodies have become low in alkaline , therefor fewer electric impulses, from one cell to another. The electric pulses are responsible for life. The source of all elements in our body come from our DIET. Of course the air we breathe, oxygen, but the majority comes through the food we eat. All vegetables and orchard ripened fruits are alkaline, all other foods are acidic. talking about ripened fruit as fruit forced to ripen off the the tree can be very acidic.
But you dont have to take any-ones word for it, and believe me alot has been written on this subject, when you eat more fruit and vegetables you are healthier and more energetic. You don't even have to call it a diet or think of loosing weight you just need to understand what food is doing in your body to understand why you are over weight or not feeling well. Keep to the rule of eating 50 percent of your intake in any given day to be fruit and vegetables before you grab for that cookie. I'd love to hear what your results are. Have a great day.
Claire Calo, Holistic Therapist, Artist, Network marketer