Cheap Healthy Good is a blog dedicated to the advancement of frugal, nutritious, ethically-minded food in everyday life. All of our recipes, links, and articles go back to that main subject matter. Occasionally, we throw in some pop culture references for fun. (Like these 40 inspirational speeches in two minutes.) Our work has been featured in/on Lifehacker, BoingBoing,,, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the CBS Early Show, among other exciting media outlets.
2. Who writes for the site?
Currently, three or four lovely people:

Rachel writes the occasional recipe column and fills in for Kris and Leigh when they're away. She's an actor, writer, and aspiring cook. Given the opportunity, she will charmingly talk your face off about food.
3. What does CHG stand for?
Cheap Healthy Good. Also, California Historical Group (unaffiliated).
4. Why do you call it that?
5. What kind of recipes do you post?
Our recipes cover a wide swath of cuisines and preparation methods, but they’re mostly simple, delicious dishes made of whole foods. And love. But mostly whole foods.
6. Do you write your own recipes?
Occasionally. The majority of the food comes from other sources, which we always credit, often profusely. We hate plagiarism almost more than we hate anise.
7. What makes a recipe cheap and healthy?
Nutrition-wise, we concentrate mainly on recipes with lower calories and fat, and often find those dishes naturally contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than most others. (We do a LOT of fruits and vegetables around here.) The cost aspect is somewhat subjective, but with few exceptions, most dishes fall between $1 and $6.
8. Why do you concentrate on supermarket shopping? Aren’t farmers markets, CSAs, and gardens the way to go these days?
Alas, CHG reflects our cooking and shopping experiences, which are limited by location and budget. However, we make it a point to emphasize fresh, whole foods, and avoid most packaged and convenience products. Our current goal is to move toward more environmentally sustainable, ethically mindful foods. In the meantime, we’re making do with what we have.
9. But you’re not above using Stove Top, canned beans, and store-bought broth. What’s that all about?
We do what works for us, and occasionally, our schedules necessitate shortcuts. Also, try as she might, Kris is perpetually unable to rehydrate dried chickpeas. It’s becoming a self-esteem issue.
10. How do you determine the cost of a recipe?
We price food according to what we paid at the time we prepared it, and only calculate for the amount USED, as opposed to the amount BOUGHT. In other words, if we purchase a five-pound bag of flour, and only use a cup for a muffin recipe, the numbers reflect the price of the cup. It’s assumed we’ll use the rest of the flour for other dishes. Make sense?
11. How do you determine the calorie and fat content of a recipe?
If we’re calculating ourselves, we use Calorie King, Nutrition Data, and Fresh Direct as sources of nutrition information. If a major publication lists the numbers, as Cooking Light often does, we take it directly from them.
12. What’s your readership like?
Right now, we’re pulling about 12000 readers per day. They tend to be men and women of all ages, hailing from all demographics, and most have an abiding love of cornbread and George Clooney.
13. Your pictures suck. You should invest in a lighting kit or a decent camera.
Oh yeah? Well, you should invest in your FACE. (Zing!)
14. That’s not nice.
Sorry. We’re working on our photography, for real. Someday, we hope to rise to the level of Use Real Butter or The Pioneer Woman Cooks, but we’d be just fine with All Recipes, too.
15. Can I offer some recipe, article, or layout suggestions?
OH, PLEASE YES. Our e-mail is
16. What is that beautiful house? Where does that highway go to? Am I right, or am I wrong? My god, what have I done?
You’re on the wrong site, David Byrne. You probably want to go here.