Frugal Village
This frugal-minded website looks to be only a few months old, but it came at exactly the right time. The forums, full of real people with real money-saving strategies, are undoubtedly the highlight, but the articles are pretty dang solid, too.
Food Comedy of the Week
"Target Women: Diets"
Sarah Haskins strikes back.
Food Quote of the Week
(Editor’s note: I barely know what this even means, but it’s fun in a tortured metaphor kind of way.)
“When I am faced with a beautiful, well-reared piece of meat, I don't want to stand back and admire it, I want to have full-blown unprotected sex; I didn't even get to first base with the pork.” – Toby Young, Top Chef
Food Video of the Week
“I Heard it Through the Grapevine” by Marvin Gaye
Man, Marvin could sing, and his a cappella version of “Grapevine” will absolutely knock your socks off. I guarantee you haven’t heard anything cooler this week.
Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Kermit Bale
Either Kermit’s been taking notes from Christian Bale, or vice versa. Either way, the genius architect of this Batman/Frog pictoral exploration needs a long, peaceful rest.