There are quite a few reasons why you should consider eating a raw foods diet. This diet, comprised of at least 75% raw, unprocessed, and ideally organic foods, will have you feeling better, looking better, and enjoying an improved state of your overall well being.
Raw Nutrition Allow You to Live a Healthier Lifestyle
When you switch to a raw vegan diet, you will be eating much healthier foods that are low in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium compared to cooked, processed foods. Raw foods are nutritionally dense without the calories of cooked foods and processed foods, so your body will feel full and satisfied without the need for excess calories.
You'll be able to eat in a much more controlled manor and eliminate cravings and hunger pangs that result in needless calorie intake. The result will be maintaining a healthy weight and significantly decreasing the risk of major cardiovascular related diseases, as well as diabetes and cancer.
Raw Organic Foods Increase Energy Levels
While on the raw foods diet, you will experience higher energy levels on a more consistent basis throughout the day. You won't experience the ebbs and flows of energy highs and lows that occur on an unhealthy diet of processed foods. This is because processed foods cause blood sugar spikes and subsequent drops, draining you of energy. With a high energy level that lasts throughout the day, you will be much more productive and be able to accomplish a lot more. Raw foods also cost your body less energy since cook foods require much more energy to digest than raw foods.
Detoxify Your Body with Uncooked Foods
Because toxins and other bad chemicals are abundant in processed foods, they accumulate in your body with this type of diet. When you switch to eating mainly raw unprocessed food, will body will expel the toxins until they are completely gone from your system.
The result is that the systems in your body will become more efficient and less stressed. You will see improvements in your circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, and immune system. You will feel healthy, alive, vibrant and suffer from much fewer illnesses, if any at all.
Lose weight and Look Great
People who put themselves on raw vegan diets have a much easier time losing weight than those who are on cooked food diets. Uncooked foods have more fiber in them so that will make you feel fuller without having to consume excess calories, and since raw foods are nutrient-rich, your body won't crave foods like it does when nutrients are lacking in your diet.
The result is less food in-take, as well as less sugar, saturated fats and trans fats intake, all of which pack on pounds when consumed with processed foods.
There has also been a correlation between raw foodism and healthy-looking skin. This is due to the detoxification effects and increased antioxidant intake with raw nutrition. Antioxidants eliminate harmful free radicals. when there are excess free radicals roaming around, this can result in dry skin, chaffed shin, and a poor skin complexion.
Mental Clarity and Psychological Improvements
Several people have reported a higher level of mental clarity and increased focus after switching to a raw foods diet. With higher energy levels and increased focus, the motivation to accomplish your goals and get things done becomes easier. Generally you will feel more relaxed and in a better mood on the raw foods diet.
So these are the top five reason to get yourself on a raw foods diet. It's important to realize that these benefits won't take place overnight, so stick with it a couple weeks and you'll soon begin to feel the positive effects of the raw foods diet.