Apple cider vinegar can be derived from the preparation of whole apples, to which double fermentation has be done. It should not undergo pasteurization, filtration and distillation because these added processes could vaporize the nutrients, vitamins and fermentation compounds that are necessary properties for losing weight and other health benefits.
You can choose from several brands offered by health food stores. Just check the label to ensure that the criteria specified above is met.
Determining the Proper Amount
Basing on the study conducted by Dr. D. C. Jarvis, M.D. in Vermont, home remedies for weight loss programs commonly requires taking one to two teaspoons mixed with a glass of water prior to taking your regular meals. Patricia Bragg suggests that you can add 1 or two teaspoons of raw honey to make the solution taste better.
No matter how you take it, do not assume that you would experience a very quick weight loss. What you would experience would be a gradual change and this would give enough time for your fat cells to get used to the new size.
The Role of Apple Cider Vinegar in Weight Loss
No one can certainly present the process of how vinegar can be used to help lose weight. However, several theories had been formulated.
It is a common belief that the organic acids, enzymes and nutrients in apple cider vinegar promote weight loss because it helps reduce water retention, increases metabolic rate, suppresses appetite and helps you feel better and healthier.
The relation between insulin levels and weight loss has been emphasized in recent medical studies. This connection and the concept that vinegar is perceived to delay the rise of blood sugar level after eating sparks the idea that taking vinegar during mealtime lessens the amount of insulin needed during digestion thus leading to weight loss.
Deciding on How Much Weight You Want to Lose
You can figure out whether you belong to the proper weight range by considering your weight and height. You can compute whether you are overweight by determining your body mass index (BMI). This is a measure of your body fat basing on your weight and height.
Use a BMI chart to determine your body mass index. You will know whether or not you need to lose some weight if you belong to proper weight range. The result will help you decide what will be your targeted weight loss.
Some Friendly Reminders
There are people who do not appreciate the taste of this medicine when mixed with water. You can be creative by replacing water with vegetable or fruit juice. You will then enjoy the dramatic change with the taste. This adds a new dash of thirst quenching tartness to a glass of tomato or orange juice.
Even if weight loss is a bit-by-bit process, there are certain advantages that you need to take note of. It is absolutely a natural product and weight loss is likely to have a lasting affect.
Furthermore, you can integrate regular exercise, healthy diets, and drinking plenty of water so as to hasten the weight loss process. Read on to learn more tips:
More Exercise
Any weight loss program should include regular exercise. You just need to render brisk walking at least 3 times a week. Like any other exercise routines, it should be gradual. You can begin slowly then increase your pace and distance, you can even reach the point when you can walk 3 miles in about 45 minutes. By doing so, your muscles will be developed, toned and built, thus, it will keep on burning unwanted fat even when you are already at rest.
More Potassium
Potassium is one of the elements needed by your body to stay healthy. Regular intake of apple cider vinegar helps you meet the amount of potassium required in your diet. Many fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of natural potassium.
Less Processed Foods
You can decrease your intake of processed foods by choosing natural vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods instead. They supply your body with more vitamins, minerals and natural fiber. These nutrients are required to help your body perform its best.
More Water
Your body is composed of 70% water. Water serves as your body's primary medium of transportation not only for nutrition but for cleansing purposes as well. It is very essential in keeping yourself healthy. Taking 8 glasses of tap water (filtered) every day is advised.