Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Eat Out When on a Diet

According to the latest research, over 80 percent of people rank taste as the number factor in having an enjoyable meal out. Another fifty percent say that satisfying their hunger is a top priority but less than 30 percent say that eating healthy is important when eating out. The evidence is clear then - when going out to dinner, most people aren't thinking about their health.

If you are looking at losing weight then eating out will likely be one of your weaknesses. Surrounded by great looking food and tempting menus, you will probably eat too much of the wrong thing. While this is OK on the rare occasion, doing it regularly can really derail your diet plans.

However, it is possible to satisfy your taste buds and your hunger without sacrificing your diet. Below you will find some examples of how this can be achieved.


Chinese can be filled with salt, fat and oil. However, food that is steamed is usually the much healthier choice. Stir-frys are also a good health choice. You should avoid food that is deep-fried, crispy or double sautéed.


You've just run out from work to grab some food. Looking around the food court you spot the sandwich shop and think that this will be the best choice for your body. Right? Well, it depends. Even though they can look healthy, some sandwiches are filled with extra calories. Avoid the white bread, roll or wrap and choose whole-grain bread. Eat sandwiches which exclude high-fat spreads and cheese, and look for mustard, hummus and olive oil instead. Deli meat is also a high source of salt and fat.


Creamy and cheesy pasta can be a cholesterol bomb. Opt for a small bowl of salad with tomato sauce and have seafood as your main. Make sure the seafood isn't deep-fried or dipped in button. As a starter, opt for whole-grain bread and olive oil.