Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Eat Out When on a Diet

According to the latest research, over 80 percent of people rank taste as the number factor in having an enjoyable meal out. Another fifty percent say that satisfying their hunger is a top priority but less than 30 percent say that eating healthy is important when eating out. The evidence is clear then - when going out to dinner, most people aren't thinking about their health.

If you are looking at losing weight then eating out will likely be one of your weaknesses. Surrounded by great looking food and tempting menus, you will probably eat too much of the wrong thing. While this is OK on the rare occasion, doing it regularly can really derail your diet plans.

However, it is possible to satisfy your taste buds and your hunger without sacrificing your diet. Below you will find some examples of how this can be achieved.


Chinese can be filled with salt, fat and oil. However, food that is steamed is usually the much healthier choice. Stir-frys are also a good health choice. You should avoid food that is deep-fried, crispy or double sautéed.


You've just run out from work to grab some food. Looking around the food court you spot the sandwich shop and think that this will be the best choice for your body. Right? Well, it depends. Even though they can look healthy, some sandwiches are filled with extra calories. Avoid the white bread, roll or wrap and choose whole-grain bread. Eat sandwiches which exclude high-fat spreads and cheese, and look for mustard, hummus and olive oil instead. Deli meat is also a high source of salt and fat.


Creamy and cheesy pasta can be a cholesterol bomb. Opt for a small bowl of salad with tomato sauce and have seafood as your main. Make sure the seafood isn't deep-fried or dipped in button. As a starter, opt for whole-grain bread and olive oil.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Easy Weight Loss Recipe - Start Your Day With This Superfood Smoothie

Eating low calorie foods for maximum nutrition is a must for any weight loss program. This delicious blueberry smoothie will add superfoods to your breakfast with sweet, tangy blueberries which contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, plus Vitamin K and Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

This Superfood Smoothie is a meal in a glass and also makes a great snack for increased energy-something that is very important when you're trying to lose weight.

Smoothie Weight Loss Secrets

The more slowly you eat or drink the better when you're trying to lose weight. Savor each mouthful by eating your smoothie with a tablespoon over the course of ten or 15 minutes. Eating slowly is great for your digestive system and this is good practice for eating slowly throughout the rest of the day too.

Rinse out your glass and the blender with lots of warm water right away, and you won't have problems keeping your blender clean.


1 banana
½ c low fat vanilla soy milk or low fat milk
1 c vanilla fat-free yogurt
1 ½ tsp flax seed meal
1 ½ tsp honey
2/3 c fresh or frozen blueberries

You can also add a tablespoon of high quality protein powder for added protein to start your day.


Put banana, yogurt, flax seed meal, soy milk and honey into your blender and mix on low until smooth.

Add blueberries and continue blending.

Once the banana and blueberries are fully chopped, increase speed to medium.

Continue blending until you reach the consistency you want.

This blueberry smoothie recipe makes 2 servings of Superfood Smoothie

Rinse your blender and glass and the blender right away with warm water and it makes clean-up much easier.

Nutritional Information per Serving - does not include protein powder if you added this ingredient.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to read the Nutrition Fact system?

Nutrition - each product has provided us tons of information on how much nutrition it has for each serving. In order to balance our diet and maintain a healthy eating habit, understanding nutrition fact system is important.

The following video provides some basic ideas on how to understand the nutrition fact system from the product you may buy everyday from grocery store. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Tips on Low Fat Cooking

Fatty foods may as well be the roots of a number of diseases. Medical experts conclude that people who eat fatty foods are more likely to suffer from heart related diseases compared to those who don't. With this in mind, low fat cooking is gaining popularity for health conscious people.

Aside from that, low fat food can also help you keep your weight down and remain fit. Recommended daily fat intake should be kept at 30% at a max. With reduced fat on your body, you have the ability to fight off stress and you're your body away from illnesses.

Low fat cooking need not to be coming from boring recipes. You can still spice up your meal and create delicious food even when keeping your foods low fat.

To get you started with your low fat diet, here are some cooking tips:

Non-stick frying pans
Avoid using oil any way you can possibly can. You can use non-stick frying pans so you can avoid adding fat to your food. It would be best to fry food at a minimum.

Woks are great utensils for low fat cooking. You can make a lot of stir-fried meals using woks.

When preparing stir-fried foods, cut on the amount of meat and add more vegetables. To bring out the flavor in your food, you can add beef, chicken or vegetable broth.

Cooking oil sprays
Cooking oil sprays are great alternative to using fat. You can use vegetable oil sprays or olive oil sprays. Using this method can also lessen the amount of oil that you use compared to the typical way of pouring fat to pans. A light mist from cooking oil sprays would be enough to keep your food from sticking to cooking pans.

Meat and chicken
Lean meats are best for low fat cooking. If you were to use meat and chicken, trim off the fat and skin. Make sure to prepare a low fat marinade if you intend to grill any kind of food. If you are to cook them with sauce cut down on pan juices and add thicken the sauce with corn flour. Skim milk is recommended for white sauces.

Whipped cream can be replaced with a mix of yogurt and ricotta. Most recipes would require using two or more eggs. You can replace one whole egg with two egg whites to cut on fat.

Fish is one of the foods that are very low in fat that you can turn up to a hearty meal anytime. See to it that you prepare a fishmeal at least every week. Fish contains Omega3 fatty acids that are good for the heart.

Vegetables are low fat and are good for your body. Steaming and putting your vegetables in the microwave are two of the best ways that you can enjoy your vegetables. You can also toss your vegetables for a delicious salad but remember to use non-fat or low fat dressings.

With the tips above, you are free to eat delectable foods and you are assured of good health as well.