I wasn’t going to post this one, because the topic’s been done a bunch. But these parting words caught my eye: “Pay close attention to the details of the ingredients and not the claims on the packaging.” Truer words, never spoken. Packaging is advertising. The ingredient list is fact.
Culinate: Grilling Gets Greener
Marissa Lipert tells you how to get the best taste from your grilled goods without hurting the Good Earth. Good stuff.
Get Rich Slowly: Eating Organic on a Frugal Budget
More on the Cost vs. Eating Ethically quandary, with customary smart commentary by GRS readers. Is there a happy medium? I’m hoping the answer is “oui.”
Get Rich Slowly: Cut Your Food Costs With a Stand-Alone Freezer
If you can swing it, extra freezers seem to be a favorite of smart shoppers around the web. In JD’s case, he and his wife Kris (love the name!) store their good beef in it. I wonder, though … what about freezer burn? Readers?
Gourmet: Recession Flexitarians
Recession Flexitarians are either A) meat-eaters resorting to part-time vegetarianism or, B) semi-vegetarians cutting back even further on their meat. It’s a growing movement, as it saves money and improves health. Get on board, everybody!
The Guardian: Playing the Stock Market
Ten heretofore unseen (er, by me) stock-making tips from a Brit who knows best. It’s my favourite! With colour photographs! Very honourable!
The Kitchn: How to Prepare Chard (Or Any Other Leafy Green)
Hey-o! We gotchya mustahd greens! We gotchya kale! We gotchya everyting wit a stem and a big ol’ leaf dat’s gotta be cooked down befaw you serve it! Right ovah heah.

If you’re like my sister, and a big fan of Veggie Subs from the House of Jared (a.k.a. Subway), this post might just jazz up your cucumbers. Banana peppers for everyone!
Like Merchant Ships: 10 Yard Sale Entertaining Essentials
Remember that New York Times article from Christmastime? The one about having a dinner party for $30 per head? This one? Meredith’s post is the polar opposite of that, and is 10,000 times more awesome as a result. How much do I want those plates? (Answer: very much.)
New York Times: Loving Fish, This Time With the Fish in Mind
Mark Bittman stumps for environmentally sustainable seafood, and describes how he buys fish without an extra side of guilt. Mackerel and mollusks and squid, oh my...
New York Times: Neighbor, Can You Spare a Plum?
All across the nation, fruit tree owners are sharing their bounty. Look around, pitch in, and you just might end up with pie.

Bad news: the banana is on its way out. No, seriously. If we have to make do with banana-flavored Runts, I will be disgruntled. (DisRuntled? Thanks to Casual Kitchen for the link.)
The Simple Dollar: 12 Ways My Wife Quietly Makes Our Life Work
This genuinely moving post should be a blueprint for any long-term commitment, and applies equally to both men and women. Great stuff.
What I Weigh Today: Living With “Restaurant Syndrome”
Restaurant moderation tips from a foodie who’s been there. How you know you can trust her: “I would never suggest you order sauce on the side.” (Thanks to Casual Kitchen for the link.)
Wise Bread: 5 Perfect Respectable Ways to Get a Free Meal
Most of these suggest exchanging a good (blood) or service (speech) for a free meal (free meal). I suggest the alternative: stealing bits and pieces off your Husband-Elect’s plate when he’s not looking. With practice, he’ll never know the difference.
(Photos courtesy of Dreamland BBQ, Supanet, and Banana.com.)