Food Blog of the Week
Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone
A favorite of Weight Watchers participants, DWLZ is one of the most helpful sites on the entire ‘net for folks interested in dropping a few pounds. While the pages are a tad anarchic, there are resources GALORE, from extensive restaurant nutrition information to a million, billion healthy recipes to inspirational articles out the wazoo. Absolutely worth a few hours. P.S. Dotti herself is a sweetheart.
Food Comedy of the Week
"Taco Man" from The State
After years of waiting, The State is finally out on DVD in July. Michael Ian Black fans, rejoice.
Food Quote of the Week
Ted: Chinese?
Barney: I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese.
Ted: Indian isn't Chinese.
Barney: Weird meat, funny music, side of rice. Why are we splitting hairs?
Ted: Mexican?
Barney: I just said I don't like Chinese!
-How I Met Your Mother
Food Movie Clip of the Week
“Dinner in Prison” from Goodfellas
Two-and-a-half minutes of nearly curse-free Scorcese goodness. Watch and tell me you don’t want to slice garlic that way from now on.
Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Marquee Fail
We’ve linked to the FAIL blog before here on CHG, but this just cracked me up.

Totally RELATED Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Food Inc. trailer
This is gonna blow some minds.